Jam Hayes #fundie christianheadlines.com

America was founded on Christian principles and we were a Christian nation as God established his kingdom on earth. But as we have aged it was not gracefully as the lack of faithfulness yielded to secularity attitudes and carnality in our instead of of the Bible....our decisions which further caused our fall from grace shows we have yielded to lower elements of man... look at all the decisions from taking prayer out of school to the 10 commandments to even gay marriage and you can social problems increase as we stray further from our true identity... I understand why Jesus wept over his nation as I too weep over mine. I come from a military family and know the influence of God in our patriotism and seeing the decay of our morality by rejecting the truths that our forefathers laid down thru Gods Word I actually fear for the next generations truly we have entered the last days... Please father God bless America... Am I still allowed to say that?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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