David Lane #fundie charismanews.com

Secularism and Christianity are distinct, immutable religions. Secularism believes in the fundamental goodness of man (human nature has a bent toward good). But historic Christianity is much more pessimistic about human nature, with its doctrine of original sin teaching that human reasoning is deeply flawed, inclined to evil, imperfect in knowledge, and consumed by an inborn tendency to sin. Secularism has taken hostage America's Judeo Christian heritage and Biblical-based culture over the last century.

Ok, so now what? As I've previously written, "Fate is not what led Germany to their Holocaust from 1933-1945, but the inevitable consequence of failing to confront pagan ideology in the public square." As Stanton Evans writes, 'When religious value is denied in the realm of spirit, but reasserted in the secular order, dominion of every facet of life converges in a single center; the political regime becomes both the church and state and claims authority over faith and conscience.'"

Where Has Secularism Led?

- 55 million babies murdered in their mother's womb

- Same-sex marriage imposed by judicial tyranny

- The Constitution shredded by secularist elites - Red ink as far as the eye can see - The exaltation and normalization of Homosexuality

- The Pledge of Allegiance forbidden - The moral collapse of the Boy Scouts of America - Christmas carols banned - The Ten Commandments stripped from public schools and federal buildings - America is drenched with porn


The refusal by a nation to be instructed and led by God brings one estrangement from Him, "and that estrangement is an estrangement from life that must be corrected at once" if disaster is to be avoided. As long as secularists usurp ultimate rule of America, "there is impotence, unrighteousness and dependence upon the forces which would destroy us. It is only when we come to the end of ourselves and acknowledge God's right to rule our lives that we can experience the divine empowerment for righteousness."

"The Red Sea looked at this and ran away. The Jordan River turned back" (Psalm 114:3) points to the good news. America is coming to a glorious day when, by a stupendous miracle, the God of Heaven and Earth will demonstrate His ability to remove every obstacle in the way of a spiritual resurrection, a restoring of America to her Judeo-Christian heritage by reestablishing a Biblical-based culture.

God will subdue every enemy; we simply must find a Gideon or Rahab willing to stand.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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