[In response to: Why do people think Obama is a muslim?]
Most Americans are fairly intelligent. But, I believe facts speak for themselves. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....Barack Obama is a member of the Trinity church who's mantra is "blacks" not God and loving your neighbor. Their allegence is with Africa..as is Oprah Winfreys. Why didn't she build schools in America for black children????? Their leader/pastor has given a prestigious award to Louis Farrakan who represent the Nation of Islam and openly hates JEWS. This is where the contrast was drawn. He professes to be a Christian...but beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. Will we be able to identify the Anti-Christ??
[34 of 98 people think this post adds to the discussion.]
"Most Americans are fairly intelligent..."
Most Americans believe in a personal god.
Most Americans believe mankind was created from dirt and did not evolve.
Most Americans believe in angels.
Most Americans believe in Satan.
Most Americans believe Saddam Hussein was involved with Al Qaida and had a hand in destroying the World Trade Towers.
Most Americans believe WMDs were found in Iraq.
I could go on, but I think you get the point.
For intelligent people, most Americans believe in a lot of stupid shit.
What? There are Christians in Africa too. And what the hell is this guilt by association thing.
Regradless, he's an American and even if he is Muslim, why does it fucking matter?
I think I just lost faith in 1/3 of the human population.
Why didn't she build schools in America for black children?
Oh, my. You did not just ask that, did you?
Um, maybe because those schools already exist ?
Oh, wait, fundie mindset. Distinction between 'existing' and 'not-existing' a little fuzzy.
Most everyone else that isn't in America thinks Americans are stupid, but of course stupid people always think they are smart, don't they?
Also... I am not sure of what logic they used here.. or if they were just rambling aimlessly.
"Most Americans are fairly intelligent."
Most Americans voted for dumbya twice, so, no, they aren't.
And your post is a demonstration of this.
Loving your neighbour? Get a clue, you stunned cunt!
He has "quacked" that he is a Christian, and walked into church for his whole life. Looks like strike two!
American schools are built by taxpayers, not through private donations, generally. Strike three!
You profess to be a Christian, too, you slimy bitch. Sayin' it don't make it so.
Read your fucking bible, fuckwit!
Oh is this that game where you try and connect two things up in the least number of steps? Here, let me try:
Ms Nansea is from Delaware...
As is Henry Heimlich, who invented the maneuver of the same name to save people from choking...
A maneuver that may have saved the life of Tennessee Williams, when he choked to death on a bottle cap in 1983...
A bottle cap similar to the ones collected by beloved Sesame Street character Bert...
Whose name is translated to "Bader" in the Kuwait transmission of the program...
An anagram of "Bader" is "Beard"...
A characteristic which Karl Marx is invariably depicted as having worn...
Therefore Ms Nansea is a goddamned commie!
What do I win?
Following your logic, all evangelic and pentecostalist protestants must be orthodox Jewish, for their unconditional support to Israel. Apart from that stupid guilt by association, do you have REAL evidence?
Septic Sceptic wins the keys to a brand new internet, right off the lot.
Ms Nansea, meanwhile, is speeding toward the precipice of RSTDT with her brake lines leaking.
As for Barack Obama...his candidacy has not only captivated many intelligent Americans, but also many people around the world. He scares the shit out of you fundie assholes and it shows with lame accusations like these.
Actually, I like to believe most Americans are intelligent, however, we only hear from the stupid ones. And since when does being black mean you aren't Christian? I'm an avid supporter of Obama and I'm really tired of his name being used as an arguement and having to hear that he's muslim. He's not, but even if he was, I'd still vote for him. I don't give a rip about his religion. He's fresh, new and unjaded and he has ideas for change in this country. I can't wait until I turn eighteen in four months so I can vote. Too bad my state was part of Super Tuesday and doesn't allow seventeen year olds to vote within six months of their eighteenth birthday. I would've been at the ballots faster than a gunshot. If other young people and liberals were so ready to take time out of their day once or twice a year, then maybe we wouldn't have had to put up with Bush for seven years.
Mister Spak: "Most Americans voted for dumbya twice, so, no, they aren't.
And your post is a demonstration of this. "
In fact, Gore won more of the popular vote, but fewer Electoral College votes. So most Americans did not vote for Bush.
"Most Americans are fairly intelligent."
"Why didn't she build schools in America for black children?????"
Err...because...we already...have schools...for...people in general...?!?
"[34 of 98 people think this post adds to the discussion.]"
Proof that most of them are also retarded.
While true that Gore won the popular vote in the first election, Bush beat Kerry in popular votes in the second. This was after four fucking years of Bush.
We Americans are, apparently, goddamn morons.
Yeah, how dare Oprah give money to the poorest nations in the world, what a Bitch!
Anyway Africa != Muslim. Theres even an Orthodox Egyptian Christian church that claims to have been around since the time of the apostles (So if anyone knows what was going on back then).
Fuck, why even try.
"Will we be able to identify the Anti-Christ??"
Well, according to Scripture [Or the History Channel, since I'm too ignorant to read things], the Anti-Christ will be Jewish.
Not Muslim, not atheist, not an agnostic, not a televangelist [Though they are quite nearly as evil], but a Jewish dude.
Barack Obama isn't exactly the Anti-Christ then.
Why do a handful of morons think Obama is a Muslim? Because the ultra right-wing Insight Magazine ran an article claiming he was raised as a Muslim; then Faux News, without doing any fact-checking, repeated the story on national TV. It was debunked by CNN shortly thereafter, but that hasn't keep conservative Obama-haters from repeating the story ad infinitum on the Internet.
Most Americans are fairly intelligent. Then how come this american is typically surrounded by people who, in any other country, would be on disability insurance?
Honestly I stopped reading after that.
I can't remember where I read this (so no citation, sadly) but apparently part of the reason Oprah puts her efforts into Africa is that they achieve something. When she tries to help in the US, she runs into all sorts of roadblocks. Oops.
(Oh, plus all that bit about the US already having schools...)
Shit like this almost makes me wish I was a lawyer so I could fulfill my pro bono obligations by suing morons like this for libel.
"Will we be able to identify the Anti-Christ??"
The Bible says the anti-Christ will be someone you like, Ms. Nansea.
Apparently, 34 of 98 people are fucking morons.
Ms. Nansea seems to have undertones of racism here... all the strawmen in the world can't hide a pointy hood.
Americans aren't "fairly intelligent". The voted for Bush. Twice. See?
And even if they didn't, they gain like a bazillion stupid points for having the most retarded electoral system I've ever heard of.
"Most Americans are fairly intelligent." And you, dear lady, are not one of them.
@antichrist: and Ethiopia proclaims to have a Christian gospel as well.
Shorter: Well, I dunno, I certainly don't have any evidence he is. He is, however, blackie-blackie-black-black, which according to something I just made up is interchangeable. BLACK!!!
I think the first sentence is wrong, I don't know, just have a feeling, I could be wrong (not likely).
P.S. I was going to be mean and say too many atheists in America, but meh.
Most Americans are fairly intelligent, but only by goldfish standards.
Well, I hate to say it but this is what only a few months on FSTDT is leading me to conclude.
So, your reason for thinking that Obama is a Muslim is that he is member of a Christian church that you don’t like.
Sounds legit, I am convinced
Most Americans are fairly intelligent, yes.
You're clearly not a member of that group, though.
America doesn't need schools as much as parts of Africa do.
What does it matter whether someone hates JEWS, when you're talking about being Christian or not? I'd say hating JEWS has been a common-enough trait among Christians throughout history.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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