What happened to the happy-go-lucky, peace-loving athiest? The reality is atheists are dreadfully miserable, foul-mouthed individuals....Truly the pond scum of society.
Actually there are lots of happy-go-lucky peace-loving atheists around here. It's just that they hate miserable, foul-mouthed, insulting assholes like you. Have a nice day, and try to be less negative!
I find that much of reality impinges on my happy-go-luckiness. Not that I'd ignore reality in favor of a pleasant delusion, but some of the real world just ain't pretty.
Peace-loving I remain.
I'm not dreadfully miserable... most of the time. Foul-mouthed only on the internet, which is a strange concept I'll admit.
Objection! I have not, nor have I ever been, "pond scum." I may have caused a bath tub ring from time to time, but I am not scum.
Foul-mouther? Oh FUCK yes! Miserable? Not really, no.
Your fellow Jesus Freaks, however, tend toward being more amoral and miserable than us atheists.
I'm not miserable. I'm generally not foul-mouthed either. I guess you could say I'm dreadful but that would probably be a lie, I don't exactly look very threatning at all.
And unlike you supersport I don't condone rape, abuse, discrimination based on color, nationality, or what flavor of santaclaus they believe in.
"What happened to the happy-go-lucky, peace-loving athiest? The reality is atheists are dreadfully miserable, foul-mouthed individuals....Truly the pond scum of society."
Go fuck yourself, cunt! Damn I'm unhappy!
Wait - he's right!
Sport, I'm not surprised you don't know any happy, peaceful, polite atheists. Any atheists you know would know you, and that would totally harsh their mellow.
Fuck you, you hare-brained foggy-minded woo-lovin piss-drinkin dumbass quack motherfucker. I'm fuckin happy with being an atheist, and I'll kick your pasty vegan postmodern hippie ass from here to the back yard of your patchouli-soaked New Age dirt-worshipping wannabe-ashram if you try to tell me I'm not peaceful.
If you want "dreadfully miserable" go to Rapture Ready.
If you want "foul-mouthed" go to a teabagger rally.
If you want the pond scum of society, read David J. Stewart's blog.
And while you are there, count the atheists you meet.
Nope. I'll admit to using plenty of colourful language, but as for the rest...nope.
Anyway, I used to swear just as much back in the days when I thought there was still half a chance that this religious malarkey contained some grain of truth.
“What happened to the happy-go-lucky, peace-loving athiest?”
Sorry, today’s commute was a bitch.
“The reality is atheists are dreadfully miserable,”
Actually, I’m usually pretty chippre. Not today, though. But a few videos of Trump having a tantrum should put me right…
I’m not afraid of words, no. I sometimes use words that make you clutch your pearls as intensity modifiers.
And you put WAY too much weight on the f-bomb.
"individuals....Truly the pond scum of society.”
Funny, the pond scum is alive, and basking in the sun. You stick-in-the-muds are the somber, dead stuff under the surface.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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