"Monkeys and humans evolved from a common ancestor." Is part of your responds which you obviously didn't read before you posted it because if you did you would see you validate my point. If we both derived from the same source or ancestor then how do we differ so much? Did the current day monkey devolve and we evolved? Your right the common ancestor is dirt thats what God made everything from that is why everything goes back into the dirt when it dies.
Again and again, posts that show that most evolution-deniers don't even understand the theory. I bet a large fraction of FSTDT is made up of quotes like this, because the site is just full of them.
What gives? It's really not helping their cause! If anything, posts like this show that science class needs to spend MORE time teaching kids about evolution.
Seperate paths lead to seperate destinations.
While some of said common ancestor went toward the hominids, some went toward Chimpanzees, among other various apes. Its not a matter of devolving or some form of evolution influenced by Highlander where there can be only one. By your logic, there should be no fish or protozoa either. By sound logic, which you seem incapable of, not every member of an earlier species goes along one well defined path. Through adaptive radiation, certain members of the same species become different depending on their needs. Our early ancestors needed to be bipedal, while others of their same species did not. Over time, they became increasingly different. Simple, stupid.
If all humans descended from Adam, why do we differ so much (in intelligence, race, culture)? Did you devolve and everyone evolve?
We all came from molecules, because everything goes back into molecules when they die.
French Bulldog
If both of these breeds had a common ancestor (the original bulldog)
how come they differ so much? Could it be because they were bred for different purposes? There's also the fact that the smallest tea-cup poodle's ancient ancestors were actually standard poodles. But for some reason you idiots won't accept dog breeding as any kind of evidence.
Could we be different because we evolved to fit different roles in the environment?
Your right the common ancestor is dirt thats what God made everything from that is why everything goes back into the dirt when it dies.
Sorry. Always wanted to say that.
The best explanation is the monkeys are the ones who didn't learn to use their front paws to grip tools and weapons and we did.PSActually we become bug food, then bug shit, before we become dirt. You know, you may be on to something I know I a lot of people that I could believe came from bug shit.
This is a classic case of "Learned about evolution from Pokemon".
Actually, he would get laughed out of a decent Pokemon tournament.
"Flareon and Jolteon evolved from a common ancestor". Is part of your responds which you obviously didn't read before you posted. If they both derived from the same source or ancestor then why do they differ so much? Did the current day flareon devolve and jolteon evolved? Your right the common ancestor is...
Wow. I can't manage to translate this stupidity into my pokemon analogy. You, sir, would win something, but I don't want to come close enough to you to grant it.
How way, man, y're a fookin' idjeet, like. Y' divvn't have the slightest clue as to how the evolution works - y' knaa nothin', y' coont.
(Jack apologises for the pseudo-Geordie. He has been reading too many Chris Ryan books of late.)
>No. Just think of it that we are more evolved.
Hmm, as I totally suck at climbing trees, am afraid of heights and so evidently wouldn't last very long in the kind of environment where chimpansees are thriving, I'd say it's all rather relative.
So, please, don't say more, rather say different.
They should study a little more so they could give their cause at least a little more credit than that. Honestly if you're going to believe in young earth creationism, there's no point in even arguing science. Just admit you accept it on faith with no evidence and it would sound less silly. I don't think 'confused about science' is really a fundie though. I more think of people that want to rain death from the sky upon us.
Actually we're very similar, except that humans have fewer hair, we're longer and we stand straighter and our brain capacity is bit better, that's all
If we both derived from the same source or ancestor then how do we differ so much?
We don't. Name one part on a human that isn't found on a chimp. Name one body chemical that significantly differs. Name one anatomical difference that isn't just a difference in size.
Evolution doesn't validate creationism, sorry. Also, nothing goes back into dirt when it dies. Many things will rest on dirt if they happen to die on dirt, at which time scavengers and an assortment of small organsims will eat the remains of the corpse. Bones might be left and later buried in dirt due to any number of ecological factors, but the dirt being inorganic is merely displaced by them rather than the bones contributing to the production of more dirt until such a time that the process of fossilization can take place (which is fairly rare). Hope this helps!
Study biology? Ever?
Look at the hyrax. It shares a common ancestor with the elephant and the rabbit.
I'd rather share a common ancestor with ANYTHING other than dirt. How sad is that? To be dirt. *lol*
Apes and humans have 98% the same DNA coding. So, no, we're not that terribly different, and the monkey didn't devolve; they were never human in the first place.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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