ZSUZSANNA #conspiracy stevenandersonfamily.blogspot.com

We do not allow any of our children to be vaccinated. This decision was not based on emotion, but on studying the issue in depth over the course of several months.

I am well aware of the reactions this causes in some people. Ironically, those who have accused me/us of being irresponsible and crazy have themselves never educated themselves on the subject, other than maybe asking their child's doctor about it (who obviously has a vested interest in this issue).

This post is not intended to conclusively show how and why vaccines are detrimental, because that would take too long. I hope to expose several problems with vaccines in different posts over the next few months.

Today, I would like to draw attention to the fact that as parents, we really do not know what our children are being injected with, some of which will stay in their blood stream for the rest of their lives. I do not trust our government with its anti-God agenda and our modern medical establishment that knows next to nothing about health with my child's lifelong wellbeing.

For example, one way to be able to identify all humans beings for life would be to inject them with a harmless virus that is unique to each individual. The body would then develop antibodies to that specific virus, and for the rest of his/her life, this person could now be identified after a simple blood test. I agree that this is a crazy notion, but sadly, governments are wicked and often pursue wicked ideals at the expense of human population.

As a sidenote, I read an interesting statistic this week. It said that the number 1 cause of unnatural death worldwide is being murdered by one's government. Shocking, isn't it? It also went on to say that while there have been thousands of dictatorships worldwide throughout history, there have been less than 10 nations who have enjoyed freedoms like the ones the United States had when the country was founded. Sadly, our freedoms are falling by the wayside quickly as a fabricated "war on terror" is ushering in a one-world government that will oppress humans worldwide, but I do believe that we are still the freest and therefore greatest nation on the face of the earth today.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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