Kknight #fundie rr-bb.com

I think this is probably the best forum for this because it falls under "societal morality." If the mods disagree, feel free to move it.

I heard this on the radio this morning and have unfortunately not yet been able to find any kind of link to a related story. Our local talk radio station does a 60 second Donald Trump blurb every morning about "success in life" or some such...I've only caught it once or twice, so I'm not really sure. Anyway, this morning he quoted some article by a dating/relationship "expert" that talked about the 10 biggest warning signs that women should watch for when dating and looking for a potential husband.

Now many of them made sense...things like:

* If he's rude to the server at dinner
* If he refuses to pay for the date
* If he's significantly younger than you
* etc

But number 10 just floored me...they said that if the man you are dating refuses to have sex with you until after the wedding, get out of the relationship now because that is usually a big sign that there is something wrong with him!! I'll keep looking for a link...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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