Henry Makow #fundie henrymakow.com

My wife recently asked me why I loved her. Instead of enumerating her good qualities, I answered simply and honestly: "Because you belong to me. "

At the risk of being politically incorrect, what many men seek in marriage is not great beauty, brains or sex, but the simple feeling of "possessing" a woman. In other words, what they seek is a degree of ownership or power. (Gasp!)

And I believe that, in their heart, many women have the complementary craving, to totally "belong" to their husband.

This is the key to intimacy, how two people become one. When a man wins a woman's love, she entrusts herself to him. And of course he aspires to be worthy of this responsibility.

Thus, a woman empowers her husband. Men and women were designed to complement each other, not to compete or fight. Most marriages break up due to competition for power.

When I reflect on my marriage, I get most satisfaction from the fact that my wife is "mine." She makes other women redundant. I no longer feel one of them holds the missing key. I have what I want. My wife helps me fulfill my goals. And she gets security and caring from this bond.

The origin of this "possessiveness" is quite real and practical. Men need to "own the womb" to ensure their wives conceive their child and not another man's. Women want to rear an offspring that is the fruit of their love and commitment.

Marriage is the exchange of feminine worldly power for masculine love and protection. Of course, women retain other forms of power, i.e. aesthetic, moral, emotional, intellectual etc.

We live in a toxic environment for marriage. The Illuminati (Masonic) central bankers, who control modern politics, education and kulture, continue to sabotage this exchange by constantly attacking woman's trust in men.

Men are irresponsible "abusers." Marriage is exploitative and oppressive. Women must be "independent." How can a person belong to another? Women must be "strong and independent." The more sex the better. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Women! If you want to be independent, why get married?

Plain and simple, our "feminist" political leaders and educators are dupes and opportunists at best, impostors or traitors at worst. No honest government allows its men and women to be turned against each other.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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