I have the evidence that this was planned by Ruth Bader Ginsberg along with several others as part of an ongoing agenda to weaken the US Forces starting in 1960's. I have written a study proving that the 22 suicides per day has also been planned and is being orchestrated. My website is Watchmanchronicles.com. The study is "The Suicide Conspiracy". Most of the founding fathers were Deists, and the Declaration was modeled after the Magna Charter using LIberty as a trigger for the Revolutionary War planned to fail from the start. We were put into three 70-year bank cycles starting in 1789, 1859, 1929 and the final one was supposed to be in December 1999. People don't want to know the real truth but I still broadcast this on the air five days per week and Gods word along with it. There is now coming a paradigm soon, with Disclosure looming in the shadows.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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