I think it is a crying shame the godless left has take our great, God founded country to the depths we are now at. There should be a revolution among Christians in our Jehovah-centered country (as well as some house-cleaning in congress). We need to return our great nation to the Christian roots it was founded upon.
Tell ya what, Bro. Stinky. You want a "Christian Nation" so badly, why don't you and your goons go someplace, gather together, and create one?
"There should be a revolution among Christians in our Jehovah-centered country"
Well SURE, Randy! Why don't you just go down to the Wal-Mart right now and grab yourself and your teen-zombies a bunch of cheap rifles and start the revolution! We'll be powerless to stop you and your holy war.
(That is, until the military realizes that your revolt will self-destruct by air-dropping cookies on your group - which will not only immobilize you, but will turn you against your soldiers as you kill them for trying to take what are clearly NOT their cookies.)
We need to return our great nation to the Enlightenment rationalist roots it was founded upon. There. Fixed it for you.
1. America was never a Christian nation. The words God, Jehovah, Jesus, Christianity & Bible do not appear the Declaration of Independence, Constitution or Bill of Rights.
2. Article VI, Paragraph 3 of the Consitution states "...but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.
3. The most important of the Founding Fathers were Deists not Christians.
4. I almost forgot: Treaty of Tripoli Bitch!
We were not a Christian nation. We are not a Christian nation. We will never be a Christian nation.
As much as I hate to use this, I think it fits...
If you don't like it, leave.
Seriously. There's a far greater percentage of atheists in Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden. And Japan is just BEGGING for the word of God.
"We will take back our land from the godless. We will purge them from governement and business. We will remove their rights and remove them from our great christian nation.
"And then we will take our great crusade to the godless of the world! We have the might! We have the right! We have god on our side!
"Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!"
Sounds somewhat familiar, doesn't it?
We just did some "house cleaning" in congress. It was last November, did you miss it? We swept out the conservative fundie-appeasing idiots who had been infesting the Capitol Building for the last 6 years. And in another year and a half we will do the same "house cleaning" at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
It must really piss Bro. Randy off that the majority of the nation thinks he and his kind are loopy.
Well, Bro, you're welcome to try. Unfortunately, the radical religious right like you are probably less than 20% of the country, and if you only count landmark Baptists, a whole lot less than that. Revolt all you want. It'll give the rest of us majority a good excuse to get rid of you.
I think it's a crying shame that the hypocritical liars on the Far-Right have to invent a history of country's founding based on their own religious bigotry and intolerence to replace our "Founding Fathers" genius in allowing everyone freedom to believe or not believe in the God of their choice! They are forced to place lies and misquotes into the mouths of these great men to justify their attempt to limit our religious freedoms and force their own prejudiced version of religion down our throats in direct contrast to what our Founders meant and said. We need to protect this country from these members of the American Taliban trying to take away one of our greatest liberties, the "freedom of, and from religion". Randy, your fraudulent ideas on our Christian roots are definitely suffering from the "root decay" of truth!
Holy Crap! Bro. Horny's getting militant, it's just a matter of time before he acts! Or falls asleep at the keyboard after another twinkie induced fantasy...
...Jehovah-centered country...
Why not Allah, or Yahweh, or YHWH, or...
We need to return our great nation to the Christian roots it was founded upon.
I didn't know secular representative democracies came from Christianity.
BEHOLD BRO RANDY!!!!!!! The Behemoth of bad breeding once more bellows bullshit and bigotry before his brainwashed beings of baptism. Being baron of his Bastion of bigotry and backbiting brings Bro. Randy bigger big-headedness than beaurocratic bitches, big-headedness beyond the borders of Bush or Blair, beyond being so bitchy as to bring bereavement to boys beginning to bring into question the being divine that Bro. Randy bows and beautifies beyond other better things, blue skies and baseball being better beliefs than blindly badgering a baseless being not worth bringing to bigger business or billet. But I babble, best to be brief you may call me /B/!!!!
There should be a revolution among Christians in our Jehovah-centered country
Oh please. The bunch of you can't even agree with each other on who IS a Christian, or how best to interpret your holy book. Any revolution you started would fall apart from internal bickering before it could do a damn thing.
as well as some house-cleaning in congress
Gee, you mean like the house-cleaning that happened during the last election? Sorry to have to tell you, Randy, but those people didn't get into office by accident.
We need to return our great nation to the Christian roots it was founded upon.
Except that the United States has always been a secular nation. We weren't founded by the Puritans, you know.
An excellent plan, Bro. Randy, with only two minor drawbacks: One, America was never founded on Christian ideas and two, America was never founded on Christian ideas. Now I know technically speaking that's only one drawback, but I thought it was such a big one, it was worth mentioning twice.
Depths? What depths? You're in the richest, most powerful country in the world, ever. God sure is showing his displeasure at Godless America, isn't he?
Is the Bro actually deluded enough to think he's somewhere near the political center of this country? If there were a "revolution" among his tiny cult of hate-mongering landmark Baptists, no one would even notice. He and his ilk have as much chance of inspiring a "house-cleaning in congress" as the Aryan Nation or the Flat Earthers.
I see. Now will this revolution involve Inquisition-style torture chambers, slaughtering entire peoples, concentration camps, or all of the above?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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