Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com
NY Times: Obama, in Oklahoma, Takes Reform Message to the Prison Cell Block
The president is intent on improving life behind bars. To make his points, he became the first sitting president to pay a visit to a federal prison.
With regard to this issue of excessive sentencing for non-violent drug offenders, we 'Law and Order' paleo-conservatives here at The Anti-New York Times are in total agreement with the bleeding heart libtards. Justice should always be tempered with mercy. The idea of taking a non-violent young man - who just needs a good strong kick in the rump and a solid year of boot camp with moral rehabilitation - and locking him up in the small cage of a larger madhouse is as cruel as it is counter-productive.
But as it is with all things Marxist, Obongo's new drive to grant amnesty to "non-violent" prisoners is not what it appears to be. Far from being fooled by the Big Zero's sudden outburst of compassion for such cases, we are alarmed by it.
The cunning and cold-hearted Demonoid Obongo surely wants something in return from these prisoners in exchange for releasing them.
The article quotes Obongo:
“We have a tendency sometimes to almost take for granted or think it’s normal that so many young people have been locked up. It’s not normal. It’s not what happens in other countries. What is normal is teenagers doing stupid things. What is normal is young people making mistakes....
When they describe their youth and their childhood, these are young people who made mistakes that aren’t that different than the mistakes I made and the mistakes that a lot of you guys made.”
To pacify those concerned about the possible release of violent felons, the Homo-In-Chief added the obligatory:
"There are people who need to be in prison, and I don’t have tolerance for violent criminals."
The unseen danger of this 'turn-em-loose' initiative lies in what it might grow into. Beyond the approximately 12,000 federal prisoners serving excessive sentences for drug crimes, there are much larger numbers of inmates in state and local prisons who, by the same standards, should also be liberated. That would add up to about 500,000 prisoners that could, theoretically, be turned loose if new sentencing guidelines are retroactively enacted by Obongo and the Republican't Congress.
What's wrong with a mass release of prisoners if they are non-violent, you ask? Well, there are several problems:
1. Obama wants to grant them "voting rights". Add another 500,000 Marxist Democrats to the voting rolls.
2. Given the sorry state of rehabilitation and support structures in their communities and society at large; and given their long job absences and criminal records, these men, unless placed on the welfare rolls and given a rent-free apartment (possibly in suburban areas), will soon turn back to crime.
3. Here's the kicker: many of these prisoners only appear to have been excessively punished. The dirty little secret that Sulzberger the Seditious and Obongo the Merciful know, but won't tell you about, is that many of these "excessive sentences" were actually the result of law enforcement officials using whatever means possible to take some very dangerous actors off of the streets, including suspected murderers. Just like the brutal but evasive gangster Al Capone was finally incarcerated for the relatively minor offense of "tax invasion", so too were some of the 500,000 "non-violent" prisoners that could be set free if Obongo's logic plays out fully.
The potential prospect of 100's of 1000's unemployable Black men suddenly being set free and cared for by America's Phony Pharaoh is chilling indeed. From their loyal ranks, the Big Zero's Black right hand man who runs Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, could secretly recruit and train an ISIS type army of cutthroats. Even if just 100,000 of the 500,000 have violent inclinations, imagine what type of organized havoc they could wreak at the behest of the Demon in the White House.
The openly Communist activists from the Ferguson, MO "Black Lives Matter" protest of 2014 chanted:
"Won’t Be No Police Brutality, When the Revolution Comes. Won’t Be No Mass Incarceration, When the Revolution Comes."
Could this be the beginning of that "Civilian Defense Force" that Obongo let slip during the 2008 campaign? Remember this line:
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." (video-here)
Far fetched, you say? Hardly! The thing to remember about Obongo is that he is an immoral, soulless, Communist monster who is capable of anything - including genocide. If he thinks he can get away with martial law and genocide; he will try it. That is why his masters installed him - to do the things that even lesser devils such as a Bush or an FDR wouldn't stoop to - like opening up the prison doors of America.
Predictive programming? In the 2012 film, 'The Dark Knight Rises', the villain known as "Bane" liberates and arms the prisoners of Gotham.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Obama wants to release non-violent prisoners.
Boobus Americanus 2: It's about time. I would never hire one of them, but they should be set free.
"What a hypocrite!"
(Which is why we call them libtards.)