(Description of Bruce Eldine Morton's book "Two Human Species Exist: Their Hybrids Are Dylsexics, Homosexuals, Pedophiles, and Schizophrenics")
Two human species have long existed,unrecognized in front of our very eyes. They are Homo sapiens patripolaris and Homo sapiens matripolaris. Their reproductive differences remain unnoticed. Yet, because they are two different species, when they cross-breed, their hybrid offspring are cross-wired to produce Dyslexics, Homosexuals, Pedophiles, and Schizophrenics. This book contains published questionnaires that enable you to find your hemisity, your familial polarity, learn to which species you belong, and what type of "normal" or hybrid you are. Unrecognized, life-affecting differences in courtship and child rearing exist between the two species. This is the topic of Familial Polarity whose ancient existence and influence upon history you can confirm for yourself. Ignorance of familial polarity is a major source of multiple levels of global conflict.
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