I’m pro-white, which most people translate to mean anti-black. I would have no problem with blacks if they would just (to steal one of their phrases) “stay in their lane.” Meaning in their nations, on their continent, with their people and culture. But no, they have an unquenchable desire to not only flood white nations, but to destroy and degrade them any way they can, be it through culture, demographics, education, the economy, or outright violence. I am pro black as long as they are not assaulting white interests. Unfortunately, too many blacks seem to be intent on doing just that.
Those black bastards!
They wanted so much to come over here and be slaves, just had to have all the good jobs
in the cane and cotton fields, we gave them their very own bus benches, water fountains,
co-ed restrooms, let them sit in the safest part of the bus, and what do they do?
The minute we let one of them play president they all want to have a million "chirrens"
and take over the whole damn population! Now look at how many of them we have to take care of.
Oh, sure, now that the plantations are all gone they all want to be like us, and get the white women. Harrumph!!
Send them all back, and take back all those damned Injuns, too, back wherever they came from. Fucking blanket-asses.
Is there any group you don't HATE, FF?! I bet their ancestors didn't wish they were in the land of cotton.
Also, my "white" country had a black history. Some had an unquenchable desire to flood black nations, and to destroy and degrade them any way they could.
I may be Caucasian, but you're just white trash.
But no, they have an unquenchable desire to not only flood white nations, but to destroy and degrade them any way they can, be it through culture, demographics, education, the economy, or outright violence.
Ever heard of a place called South Africa? Turns out the white folks had a bit of trouble "staying in their lane."
Sooo... a large fraction of the black native population in West Africa fooled those poor unsuspecting slave traders into giving them free rides (super economy class) to the Americas as part of a multi-generational master plan to sabotage everything done by white people, out of sheer, unadulterated malignity. Who knew?
Wow. The dipshittery is strong with this one.
"I don't consider non-whites to be less than human, but I don't want them to do what humans do."
Ironically, the white people in charge WANTED blacks to flood their land so they could make money off of them, and then at the same time encouraged racism to help make sure their position was secure. You're a complete tool, bro.
"I would have no problem with blacks if they would just (to steal one of their phrases) 'stay in their lane.' Meaning in their nations, on their continent, with their people and culture."
So what do you have to say about groups like the Portuguese moving en masse to African countries like Mozambique recently? Surely you are just as upset about them "invading" another continent, not being with "their [own] people", and "destroying" the local culture to be more reminiscent of home? Oh wait, since they are European you will just handwave it as them "civilizing the natives" or similar nonsense.
"I would have no problem with blacks if they would just (to steal one of their phrases) “stay in their lane.” Meaning in their nations, on their continent, with their people and culture. But no, they have an unquenchable desire to not only flood white nations, but to destroy and degrade them any way they can, be it through culture, demographics, education, the economy, or outright violence."
I see someone skipped every history class they ever had.
A question, for your earnest consideration: since black people exist in the USA in great numbers, with even a black resident in the Oval Office, WTF do you mean by "their own continent"? They are, you ninny, they're right here.
You'd have no trouble with *** (group of your choice) if they would just be invisible to you in all respects. I bet they think the same of you. I wish we had no bigots here, and we would deport them in a minute, if we could find someone to take them off our hands. But no, no place in the world is sufficiently desperate for residents to take you.
"Meaning in their nations, on their continent, with their people and culture"
Yeah, those blacks, stowing away in ships to America a hundred at a clip for 200 years instead of staying where they belonged.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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