thedeem0n #fundie

The problem with Gay people, is that if you look the other way & try to let them have all the same rights as a straight person & whatnot, THEY STILL FORCE THEIR LIFE CHOICE ON EVERYONE ELSE!!! They have this fucking Attitude like "GAY IS THE ONLY RIGHT WAY TO BE & EVERYONE ELSE IS JUST WRONG, & We're gonna Pressure All the Straight People in the world into 'Realizing' that they are gay too (Forcing people to choose gay over straight to fit in w/ them). YOU WANNA BE GAY?!? FINE, GO!!! BUT GO BE GAY QUIETLY & LEAVE PEOPLE WHO CHOOSE THE OTHER LIFE CHOICE ALONE, OR EVENTUALLY YOU (As a type of People) WILL BE FUCKING EXTERMINATED....



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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