Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com
He wasn’t always a follower of Jesus, despite being home schooled. It wasn’t until he was in his late teens before he decided to follow Him.
It happened while watching the movie “Fireproof” with us. I looked over at him and seen that he was crying. He asked me, “don’t you see the angel with its hand upon my shoulders? He has just told me that I am on their side now.”
Hallelujah! The Lord had answered my prayer, and he had finally become a believer. And sure enough, from that moment on, his primary focus has been on what God wants him to do.
This is the son that can see into the unseen world through reflections, such as seeing demons or angels through a pane of glass or in a puddle of water. He has also been able to audibly hear them. This insight into the unseen world came about after he gave his live over to Jesus.
He has been feeling lonely. God has put the desire to have a family in him, so he is currently searching for his bride, and would love your prayers that he finds the one that the Lord wants him to have. So far the Lord has revealed to him that she will be a ‘ginger’, but hasn’t said much else about her.