Personally, I believe many of the trolls who come here are not atheists, as they claim, but really are sad little child-like people who know they are in rebellion to God and are miserable because of it. I believe you come to this site because there is something deep inside you that yearns to know the truth, yet you squelch that yearning and turn back to the world. Truly, I have pity for you.
Actually, I'm more interested in Randy because I've got a sneaking suspicion that Randy is a pedophile and a wannabe cult leader. We're not sad little childlike (note the lack of a hyphen) people; we're watchdogs keeping an eye on a man who would love nothing more than to start a cult of teenage girls.
"Personally, I believe many of the trolls who come here are not atheists, as they claim,"
Perhaps you don't realize it, but not believing that my views on religions are as I state them is hugely arrogant. I've called you stupid and ignorant (which I'm sure could be proven), but I would never presume to tell you that you weren't a Christian.
"but really are sad little child-like people who know they are in rebellion to God and are miserable because of it."
Excuse me, but doesn't your Bible describe believers as child-like?
I am not in rebellion against your God or any other imaginary beings. I am not miserable.
"I believe you come to this site because there is something deep inside you that yearns to know the truth, yet you squelch that yearning and turn back to the world."
I DO yearn for the truth, but you don't have it. I yearn for facts, scientific theories and the thoughts of great thinkers.
"Truly, I have pity for you."
Thanks, but I don't need your pity. Save it for yourself.
many of the trolls who come to your site want to see just what a controlling, speech-squelching tub of lard you are, randy. anything that doesn't fit your narrow view of the world is deleted. any threads that contain discussions you don't approve of are shut down or deleted. any threads that go in a direction you don't like because it goes against your narrow little keyhole "christian" views are locked to prevent them from spreading *GASP!* ideas.
if anybody deserves pity, it's the poor kids you work so hard to brainwash on your pathetic website. and not from you. pity from you is disgusting.
Keep telling yourself that old man.
We'll be all the way over there, being happy and guilt-free from not doing mean and nasty things to others, and not torn nor sadisticly gleeful over the thought of some skyfairy wanting us to do things we'd never want done to us to anyone slightly different.
Just don't expect us not to bite back when you come barking at us and trying to rip our throats out to ram your hate-filled beliefs down our gullet.
Yah, that's it, everyone believes in god, whether they admit it or not. Good answer... from your ass!
Right Randy, that'd be like claiming you're not stupid, "but really are a sad little child-like twathead who knows he is in rebellion to REALITY and is miserable because of it"
"Truly, I have pity for you."
Every time I see a post of Bro. Randy the Lone Justice song Soap, Soup & Salvation go through my mind:
"Well, Brother Randall is a bit
Long winded and a little loud
And as he pounds the pulpit
The sweat flies from his brow
Making sure none are caught slumbering
In this mournful motley crowd
For the ones that stay awake
Are therefore graciously endowed with... "
T4C is just Bro. Randy cultivating a future income.
I believe that Bro.Randy will eventually turn cult leader as more and more dissent grows for his weird child-molester site and he hones his doctrine down to less and less resemble that of mainstream Christian doctrine. He's really building a cult of personality around himself with young, pliable minds as followers. Sadly, I see a Jonestown or Waco in Randy's future.
I'm really wondering if the posts he makes on T4C are enough to warrant FBI attention. I mean, it's pretty obvious that he's trying to start an oppressive, possibly child-molesting cult through that little site of his.
Y'know, I'd almost be on side with him on the Trolls thing, except I know that by Trolls, he means people who don't share his point of view. On anything. And it's rather arrogant to presume to tell anyone what they believe. But, I guess if it lets you sleep better at night, feel free.
Ultimately, though, I have to say, save your pity. A fascist's pity means nothing to me.
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