While I may offend you by saying this, I feel that your statement giving equal value to the lives of American and Japanese soldiers typical of the current left wing ideology coming out of today's crop of college students."
"The Japanese (With the possible exception of the Chinese ) are absolutely the most barbaric, cruel and inhumane people on the face of the planet. They have spent centuries perfecting murder and torture into fine art forms.
<< The Japanese (With the possible exception of the Chinese ) are absolutely the most barbaric, cruel and inhumane people on the face of the planet. They have spent centuries perfecting murder and torture into fine art forms. >>
I've got one word for you: Inquisition.
No, wait, I do have a few more words. The Japanese, Chinese, Iraquis, Israelis, Arabs, Germans, French, Canadians, Mexicans, and Americans -- along with all the other nationalities and cultures -- are PEOPLE. They -- WE -- are all human beings, and all our lives are valuable as such. If you can't wrap your head around that simple truth, you are beyond hope.
~David D.G.
Just to clarify something, this guy's not saying the Chinese and the Japanese are the same people. A thorough read of the whole sentence and it turns out he's saying that the Japanese are the most [insert whatever here] people, except maybe for the Chinese (which makes me wonder why he used the word 'absolutely'). [/defenseofthedimwitted]
Your first sentence (which is missing an "is" somewhere in there) is completely unreasonable. How is it "left wing ideology" to equate two soldiers who gave their lives for their countries? Unless, of course, the left wingers are the only ones who believe that people of all reaces are equal, in which case, sign me up.
As for the second, you clearly haven't met any Japanese people because otherwise you would know this wasn't true.
This seems more racist than fundie, but meh.
yea... japanese brutal people... So brutal, that when this big dumb white canadian accidentally stepped back and bumped into a japanese man while shopping for a new suite, HE apologized to ME.
[for non Canadians: this actually is a great insult, for Canadians pride themselves on being the first to apologize for anything. By losing out in the apology race, i am honour bound to die by a thousand beavers by sundown. it was fun guys.]
A Japanese family used to live next door to us when I was growing up before they moved to California. They were the complete opposite of barbaric; they were polite, friendly, and kind, much more than our other neighbors were. I was friends with the couple's daughter and we often invited each other over to parties.
You are a racist cretin. May someone strike you down with a samurai sword.
@ pandaman -
Wow! 1,000 beavers. [wink wink nudge nudge] What must one do to all those beavers to die by sundown? I'd been hoping to go one day by Naked Girl Avalanche, but this method might just be the new ticket. Either one beats the rapture all to hell
So, not all people were created equal, although both the bible (NT anyway), and the Constitution admit as much. The fact that you think Chinese are a subset of the Japanese isn't even laughable, it's sad and pathetic. The Japanese are probably the most industrius and advanced country on this planet, and we could all learn from then. The Chinese are communists, which I though christians hated. There's nothing funny about this post, this is the reason why fundy homeschooling should be done away with.
If you refer to the samurai, they spent centuries perfecting WAR (something Christians seem somewhat adept at as well), as well as trying to understand when one should and should NOT fight (something Christians seem to be lacking). In their time, they may have been the most civilized people on the planet. Even now, they're probably better than whatever psycho-fuck church you go to.
"The Japanese (With the possible exception of the Chinese ) are absolutely the most barbaric, cruel and inhumane people on the face of the planet."
"The Japanese (With the possible exception of the Chinese ) are absolutely the most barbaric, cruel and inhumane people"
"The Japanese (With the possible exception of the Chinese ) are absolutely the most barbaric"
"The Japanese (With the possible exception of the Chinese ) are absolutely "
"The Japanese (With the possible exception of the Chinese )"
GARRGGH! My eyes! The idiocy is turning me Republican!
First- Japanese and Chinese are two very different things. Just because they look the same, does not mean they are the same. NEVER make that mistake to a Chinese or Japanese person, or much unpleasantness will follow.
Second- The lives of all soldiers, regardless of nationality, are equal. Every has someone who would miss them if they died, and the sorrow felt by white families is the same--the exact same--as the sorrow felt by Japanese warwidows.
Third- the Japanese and Chinese were building civilized empires while your ancestors were on a hill in the Mediterranean somewhere sticking it to a goat and shivering in fear at thunderstorms.
Fourth- The most ferocious, barbaric and fearsome enemy to face on the battlefield were the Russians. White people. They fucking killed everyone.
Fifth- While the Japanese did torture captured enemy soldiers during WW2, this is actually a Western import. During Japan's civil wars and the entire Samurai era, torture was so vile and despised it wasn't even an option. Torturing a prisoner was to bring dishonour onto the house and family of his captors.
Of course, keeping prisoners brought dishonour to the captive's family, so ritual suicide sort of defused the whole torturing debate anyways.
And yet it was the U.S. and the west that developed the most horrific and efficient way to kill people, the nuclear bomb.
Also, I bring you the Inquisition.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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