I’ve read that the police are using surveillance cameras that are powerful enough see through curtains to track men they suspect of viewing illegal porn. Fairly soon, surveillance drones will be so ubiquitous and tiny that the state will be able to have anyone under watch 24 hours a day, even in their own homes. Darpa have already made drones that appear to be insects such as flys. They could also be watching you through the webcam on your computer.
This might seem far-fetched in relation to stopping men masturbating, but the point I’m making is the tech will enable it soon, so it’s no more far fetched than the idea of masturbation being criminalized is.
Didn’t one of the Tea Party femiservative hags actually propose making masturbation illegal?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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