Anonymous #fundie

9+ Foot Long Dinosaur Crocodile-Headed Fish, “Tiktaalik”

Recently, evolutionists have declared a 9+ foot long dinosaur fish to be their ancestor. News stories read “Missing Link Fossil Discovered.” This is all because, as the evolutionists claim, the dino-fish had fins with internal skeletal bones.

Wow! A 9-foot fish with bones in its fins! If that isn’t your forefather, I don’t know what is. It also had scales, jaws that were at least a foot long, a tail, and gills... not lungs. But because the fish had fin bones, evolutionists say it could walk across land. Confused? Never fear, “scientists” are on the case. They plan to attempt to find more of these ancestor fish, as well as “try to determine why this fish found it useful to leave the water.” (quoted from Bloomberg)

So the fish found it useful to leave the water... that’s how they grow legs. Take notes, because this could be on a test in a public school (Thank you, ACLU).



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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