[Is there anything wrong with a Christian girl saying "stinks" plz let me know if there is]
I'm glad you asked. There are a lot of 'Christian' swear words.
I must admit, as I think of it, I am guilty as well.
If you are saying something has a foul odor about it, then there is nothing wrong with saying it stinks (duh) but if you are expressing your frusration, then it is one of those Christian swear words . For example, if you stub your toe, and you exclaim, "Oh stink!" The phrase becomes an expression of your pain and frustration. In that case, it is a sin.
Oh dear, I seem to have stubbed my toe!
Oh Thank thee! Thank thee Lord, for this excruciating pain. And thank thee twice for the bruise, and infection sure to ensure from banging my toe on this, thy holy chair. Thank thee for the chair, which was right in my way for my toe to be stubbed on. I'm not sure why my blessed wife needed to put a chair there, but I'm sure it was the Godly thing to do, so that I might stub my toe, and wallow in this pain, as per your pre-arranged plan. Although I am unsure why we need so many GODDAMN, FUCKING, CHAIRS IN THIS PLACE! THERE ARE ONLY TWO PEOPLE, WHY DO WE NEED THIRTEEN GODDAMN PIECES OF FURNITURE TO CLUTTER THIS TINY, MOTHERFUCKING HOUSE! ITS LIKE NOTHING I DO IS EVER GOOD ENOUGH FOR...
Sorry. Sorry Lord. It got away from me there.
And thank you for puppies.
Bro. Randy.
Bro Randy, I hope you don´t have many frustrations in your life, because not having words to express it can be neurotic. If it doesn´t stink, it has to suck, hurt, irk.........whatever.
Wow, Ned Flanders ISN'T an exaggeration!
Christianity even has it's own special swear words?
Yeah, I hear they have their own secret handshake, too.
Yes, I was fed this same shit in Sunday school. We were told that saying "gosh" and "darn" were inappropriate because "God knows what we really mean," so the pastor suggested that we use nonsensical words like "horsefeathers" instead.
Well, I don't like saying "Goddamn," personally. That's why I usually substitute some other ugly, vulgar word that has no bearing on religion whatsoever.
Yes, I was fed this same shit in Sunday school. We were told that saying "gosh" and "darn" were inappropriate because "God knows what we really mean," so the pastor suggested that we use nonsensical words like "horsefeathers" instead.
Gee, you'd think God would see right through that...
I don't think any expression uttered at a moment of pain counts as saying the name of the lord in vain, or uttering a false oath (whatever that prohibition is).
Hitting your little toe just fucking hurts!
Me, I use good old French Canadian swear words at times like that. Fuck only has one syllable, but Tabarnak has three!
Honestly, this bothers me less than the people who tweak when I use shit, but don't when I use crap.
At least he's consistent in saying it's the intention of the word which is the 'sin' rather than the word itself.
Can you imagine how pitied Bro. Randy must be right now...?
Justin : you win, man!
Berny : I have a fondness for German, myself (well, germanic dialects, actually, but..). The fact that, not unlike your Tabarnak, many of these German swear words have a religious origin only makes it better. :P
Actually, I sort of agree with this. If they're not gonna swear, they shouldn't be using substitute swearwords either.
Of course, then you see this ridiculous example of how evil it is to say something stinks, so really... is there any reason to think swearing is any worse?
JustinGG wins at the internet.
Personally, I like the word "fuck." Noun, verb, adjective, compound word, it works no matter where you put it!
Fuck you, you fucking fuckstick, and have a nice day!
I recall seeing characters in Marvel comics saying/thinking, "Oh, spit!" on occasion. I always thought it was the height of hilarity; mutants, gods, and radioactive spider powers don't strain the suspension of disbelief half as much as the artificial recasting of an obvious and normal human behavior like that. It also annoyed me -- not because I want to read comics in which the characters curse, but such a choice of substitute swear words made it abundantly clear that the writers were trying to stick to the letter of the Comics Code while violating the spirit of it.
Bro. Randy is at least trying to hold to the spirit of what he's after here, but he's gone completely off the deep end, to the point of pretty much denying people the expression of anything to register sudden pain or alarm, and that's even more unrealistic than substitute swear words. A much more realistic approach would be to tell kids that they should try not to use such language, but that if they do, in moments of sudden stress like that, they should at least ask forgiveness (especially, in my opinion, from whomever may be with them). THAT would be much more consistent with the Christian message, the Christian lifestyle, and reality.
~David D.G.
Expressing anger is a sin?! So next you're going to tell me getting horny about the opposite sex is a sin?
It's like the phrase: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, have no fun.
If any expression of pain and frutration is a sin, just what do you pray for? Forgiveness? Why? Feeling unsure, maybe even frustrated, by the uncertainty of actually going to heaven?
In the words of the great Lewis Black:
*to the tune of Jingle Bells* Fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Okay, any unguarded verbal expression that stems from strong emotional states is a sin. Got it.
I'll file it under "Sin," alongside "imagination" and "creativity."
In a world full of rape, plague, torture, murder, famine, and war, all God is concerned about is whether a fourteen year old girl says a semi-curseword? Damn you fundies reduce to a trivial minded prudish twit.
Let's hope you never find an Amy Winehouse cd...
"What kind of fuckery/Nowdays, you don't mean dick to me!"
The concept of inherently bad words is ridiculous. Swearing as the Bible puts it refers to actual oaths, and Cursing refers to may-you-suffer statements (or may-I-suffer) statements. The Jesus-or-God-as-interjection thing is in there too, but that's it.
Hey, Bro...
If you want real Christian swearing, try Quebec or Italy. Here's a rundown of some of Quebec's homegrown cuss words, most of which are derived from (GASP!) religious terms.
Câlisse = chalice
Crisse = Christ
Tabarnak = tabernacle
'Stie or Astie = hostie (the Host)
Maudit = damn
Calvaire = calvary
We also tend, when angry, to let out whole strings of these (like "Asti d'crisse de calvaire", but the Italians have bested us: they prefer to build images with religious themes. For instance, Mary is a bottle, all the Saints are inside, and Jesus is the cork! Beautifully creative, wouldn't you say?
In comparison, English swearing is so wussy (in terms of offending God) it's downright laughable.
By the way, Quebec and Italy have one thing in common: we both were long dominated, culturally and politically, by the Church, which explains why our cussing is oriented more towards religion than... metabolism.
Actually Randy you've got it completely backwards, I have no problem with cussing, but only in the figurative noun form or the adjective form. For instance, "That's a shitty picture of me" is now fine. However, the literal noun form of "This is a picture of shit" is still naughty.
The adjective form is now also acceptable. For example, "The weather outside is shitty". However, the literal adjective is not appropriate. For example, "My bad diarrhea made the inside of the toilet all shitty and I had to clean it with a rag which then also became shitty". That's right out
My husband, who was a very smart, well-read child, but also a nicely brought up Catholic lad, once wrote a letter to Alister MacLean about one of his books (Guns of Navaronne, maybe?)He was about 12 at the time. He asked several questions about the book, and then, apparently, chided MacLean for the salty language used by his protagonist. I still have the letter MacLean sent in reply, in which he gravely answered the other questions, then gently explained that yes, the hero's language was rather bad, but if he went around saying things like "shucks" or "darn" it wouldn't really be believable that he was a big, tough, brave guy like he was described to be (that's a paraphrase, but that was the gist of it).
My husband grew up to swear like a fucking sailor. :)
And since when is it sinful to express pain and frustration?
NO NO NO NO NO. Enough!
Fuck you, Brother Randy. Fuck you so hard, because nothing is ever going to be enough for you, you are just the bully of conscience. If this weren't the internet, you'd be that creepy guy at the supermarket ministering to these kids even though they're already fundamentalist, because NOTHING WILL EVER BE ENOUGH FOR YOU, YOU STUPID SACK OF CRAZY.
There is a woman at work that replaces all the swear words with other things...Like one particular irritating gem called "Sugar Shucks". After a brief explanation of how substituting that word for any other swear word is no different than yelling "Mother Fucker" if thats what she was replacing the word with....It all comes down to intent.
So fuck that. If I stub my toe I yell God Dammit because if he was so fucking powerful he'd move the goddamned chair so I wouldn't stub my fucking toe. Asshole..
Fiddlesticks? *gasp* the Xtian F word. For shame! I expect "Oh, stink" refers to shit, but maybe I just want it to.
Gosh Darn
Jumpin' Jehoshaphat
Jimminy Christmas
H, E, double hockey sticks
'Od's Bodkin
All euphimisms for Goddamn, God, Goddamn, God, Jumpin' Jesus, Jesus Christ, Damn, Hell, Shit, God's Body, God. There must be many others. There are some good ones in The Marquis de Sade . Love 'em all. I personally like W. C. Field's Godfrey Daniel and Mother of Pearl. There was a bosn's mate on board my ship who once called another swab jockey "You goddamned gorilla lookin' baboon fuck." Ah, the good ol' days, when sailors really knew how to swear.
I don't miss them.
I think it's more wrong to write "plz" than "stink".
"Yes, I was fed this same shit in Sunday school. We were told that saying \"gosh\" and \"darn\" were inappropriate because \"God knows what we really mean,\" so the pastor suggested that we use nonsensical words like \"horsefeathers\" instead."
So, God understands what we really mean when we say gosh, but if we say horsefeathers he's fooled?
If it's the meaning behind the words that counts, then we might as well say christ-fucking-hellhole as horsefeathers.
so,is saying stinks as bad as saying the F word? why don't christian kiddies run around saying fuck,then,if nicer words are equally horrible?
I mean,they're going to get negative emotions at some points,and they will express their frustration,whether it's "right" or not. They might as well use real curse words.
"In that case, it is a sin."
Then for smeg's sake, better not know about...:
One more thing: Did you know, that here in the UK, your name - Randy - is the slang term for sexual arousal?
Better not ask for a 'fanny pack', if you ever come here, then. X3
[/Finbarr Saunders]
lol so Jesus sinned when he screamed in agony as they nailed him to the cross. He was all "Ahhh! Oh, stink! Oh, God-forsaken, mother-flipping stink! Stinky stinking STINK!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
It would honestly be best if morons like Randy did manage to make Milquetoast-harmless fools out of Christian youth. At least then, they wouldn't be out stoning gays to death and oppressing women. Unfortunately, it just means we get adults who are uptight about the use of language on television while not giving a damn about the gun porn splattered over it.
The phrase becomes an expression of your pain and frustration. In that case, it is a sin.
"It is a crime to be unhappy, citizen!"
Is it also a sin to stub your toe and say "fuck fuck fuck Jesus fucking Christ on a stick my god damn motherfucking toe on this fucking end table again, for fucks sake IVE HAD IT EDNA YOU CHEATING BITCH, IM THROWING OUT THIS GOD DAMNED END TABLE I DONT GIVE TWO SHITS OR A DICK IF ITS BEEN IN YOUR FAMILY A HUNDRED CHRIST HUMPING YEARS, THIS END TABLE IS GOING OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW YOU HEAR ME OKAY FINE YOU WHORE IM LEAVING YOU FOREVER YOU CAN KEEP YOUR SHITTY END TABLE wait baby put the knife down what are you doing OH GOD WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STABBING ME and hey I'm headed toward the light and there's all my childhood pets and my dead relatives and... Vishnu? Oh shit, I've wasted my life."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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