Small Heirouche #fundie

A 39-year-old Dutch Muslim is facing trial in Cork, Ireland, for threatening to kill two French nationals as well as threatening to behead Jews.

Smael Heirouche is accused of saying to the two men that “Zionists should have their throats cut”, whilst calling them “Zionists” and making threatening gestures.

Mr Heirouche is also accused of saying that if he had a sword he would cut off the heads of Jews.

“He was quoting the Koran. They did not have the same belief. He did not take kindly to this. He made reference to recent terrorist attacks in France” said Detective Geraldine Daly. He apparently spoke approvingly of terrorist attacks against Jews in France.

Heirouche was was allegedly making the threats in the name of Islamic extremism, and brandished a Koran as he did so.

Heirouche was refused bail by the judge, due to the severity of the accusations, as well as having attempted to book flights abroad, presenting a risk that he would abscond.



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