Nationalist Asatru News #racist

[Article claiming that the BNP is too Jewish]

Every few years Nick Griffin at conference, pushed a softer version of BNP policy, Nick Griffin never once stood back and tried to make the party more right wing, it is alleged at every meeting, Nick Griffin led the subversives, the Jewish racists, the Christian Philo-Semites and the leftwing infiltrators in making the BNP into a non nationalist party.

Nick Griffin famously stated via twitter his new-found anti-English position: "The BNP has and welcomes, Jewish members, Nazi cranks not wanted" 'Nazi cranks' meaning: all genuine nationalist who demand that as English, Northern European folk, we too have the right to exist, Nick Griffin branded such people as 'cranks'.

This in itself shows you all you need to know about Nick Griffins agenda, that when he took over he was allegedly privately a pro-Hitler, anti-Holocaust, National Socialist, and within less than 10 years, had reached a stage whereby he could openly declare he wanted Jewish members more than any other member, and not just any Jew, pro-Israel Jews who would share a common hatred of Islam: Jewish supremacists, who have led the revolution against Europeans and our right to exist worldwide for over 2000 years and Nick Griffin wanted to purge the BNP (in a Stalinistic fashion) of all genuine nationalists in order to make the BNP palatable to Jewish supremacists, the very same Jewish supremacists, who through their control of the media were and have since prevented the BNP from making any electoral inroads.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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