"You see, people don't understand capital punishment is a great deterrent."
I see the irony of his statement isn't lost on ol' Kentypoos. [/sarcasm]
"Oh, he was a bad person. He did this, this, this." You're going to impress on that little kid - he's never going to do that."
No. Instead - and as far as you're concerned, Kentypoos - the scenario tonight will be this:
Kent: 'Oh, I was a bad person. I did this, this, this...'
Bubba: 'I'm going to impress this upon you...:'
(*Bubba takes out of pocket spiked Arab Strap; removes prison overalls*)
Kent: '...You're never going to do that?!'
(*camera pulls up to light; sounds of scuffling, removal of clothing; loud screams...
...Fade to black.*)
"This is asking for EVERYONE to make a stupid stoned joke."
'The Bible says that if a man sleeps with another man, they should be stoned. It definitely helps.'
-Frankie Boyle
And it still exists to this day. It's called "P(l)op Idol", "Britain/America's Got (No) Talent" etc etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam. 'Reality TV' is basically the modern-day Roman arena; certainly the 21st Century Bedlam.
At least the BBC's "Robot Wars" only had machines pulverising seven lumps of the stuff that's good for roses out of each other; but the teams' rivalries only existed in the arena (outside of such, they helped each other, re. advice, repairs, and even lending each other spare parts!). And safety - especially that of the audience - was the first priority at all times.
[/mecha nerd]