SpearChuckinJungleBunny #racist niggermania.net
I've noticed lately that the number of people viewing our main TNB forum here on average has gone up by about a hundred compared to what I've seen in the past. As I write this it is at 385 viewers and I've never seen it that high. Makes me even more proud to be a Niggermaniac, which I will be until the day I die and into the afterlife I will still think niggers are rotten, idiotic, ugly, useless violent pieces of crap.
It's safe to say that Nigger Fatigue has increased in the past few weeks. It's driven primarily by the Nigger Felon League's pet nigger monkeys kneeling. Nigger Lives Don't Matter and Antifa Ape Attacks play a role but the "bread and circus" crowd control activity known as football is the central reason. No self-respecting human being should waste their time watching a bunch of baboons smash one another chasing a ball, switch to the human-dominated sports, there are plenty of options.
I don't take offense to niggers kneeling while White, Hispanic and Asian Americans stand and proudly show respect for their country and all that the flag and the Anthem represent. Niggers should kneel when humans are around anyway, I mean why would you expect animals to stand and show respect for a song unless you specifically trained them to? We used to have niggers very well trained but they're slipping out of control. I say let them act like the jutting-jawed bootlip retard jungle beasts that they are, so more and more humans wake up from the Magic Nigger Myth perpetuated by all forms of media and by our schools.