brutus #racist
Religion - the jew's tool of domination
For years on these forums we've discussed, ad nauseam, the topic of religion and specifically how it's been used by the jew to mentally subjugate our race. And rightfully so, many have shed light on this reality.
This leads us to ask the question....why do we try to disregard or ignore using the most powerful and effective weapon used upon us? Why are we not picking up that weapon and using it against the jew?
Here's the jew's trickery.... On one hand the jew seems to be in accordance with us by defaming religion, as a belief system for the weak-minded. And then on the other hand the jew creates another weapon under the guise of a religion, and the masses flock to it. Why do so many flock to this new religion? Even those who believe religion is for morons? They join this new religion, unwittingly, simply because the jew doesn't call it a religion! In spite of the fact it fits the very definition of a religion with its own codified system of morality, its own dogma, sacred cows, saints, and demons. It has all the trappings of any of the mainstream religions. And all of its adherents 'believe' without question. They have blind faith and they are willing to get out in the streets at a moment's notice to attack anyone or any group that questions or challenges their belief. They will resort to violence, risk going to jail and even put their lives on the line to defend their belief.
The new religion, of course, is diversity. But the jew, the inventor of the religion called diversity, doesn't refer to it as a religion. The jew is smart enough to understand human nature. And that nature is to create and believe in something supposedly on a higher plane. We are all predisposed to aspire to higher ideals. The jew knows this all too well. The jew invented Christianity as a control device. A device used to control White people. Now the jew has invented diversity. A religion whose aim is to utterly destroy and obliterate the White race from the face of the earth. Will we go quietly? Or will we fight? Or will we be smart enough to create a religion of our own that'll give our race the fortitude, resolve and balls needed to put us back on top once again? Oops! Did I just make a mistake by calling it a religion? I sure fuckin' did, Clancy!