First, if you are Catholic and under the age of 60 or so, it is because the Church has been infiltrated by Marxist-homosexualists tasked with destroying the Church from the inside. Their father, satan, wants to convince as many people as possible that abortion is “morally neutral” or “contingent on the circumstances”. Beyond that, satan actually does want people to believe that aborted babies go to heaven so that eventually he can convince people that abortion can be a MORAL GOOD (like the woman above). Satan gets two things out of this.
A.) He maximizes the number of people who murder their own children and then DO NOT REPENT, thus dying in mortal sin and going to hell.
B.) The second thing satan achieves is keeping as many human beings from achieving that which he himself rejected and RAGES against: The Beatific Vision. Satan is willing to compromise and cut his losses. He’ll take the baby going to the Limbo of the Innocents, never seeing the Beatific Vision PLUS the damnation of the unrepentant mother AND the damnation of the apostate priests, nuns and clergy who told the woman that her abortion wasn’t a sin because “the baby is in heaven.” Why? Because NONE of those people is in heaven, and that is what satan wants.
If you are Protestant, you have never heard anything about this because Protestantism is intrinsically stupid and insipid. That’s it. Superfun Rockband church. Jimmy Swaggart. Brain dead Methodist “we’re just here to keep up appearances”. Don’t believe me? Okay. Ask your preacher/presider/facilitator/host on Sunday if aborted babies go to heaven, and after reading this, stand back and bask in the bumbling ignorance of his (or her, shudder) answer. Yep. You can almost visualize it right now, can’t you?
Sangfroid: This quote comes at the end of several pages of Ann's usual drivel, this time about 'why aborted babies don't go to heaven' (using her usual 'logic' she maintains they go to limbo) and the sentence just before it is "8. Why have I never heard anything about any of this up until now?" The quote on this page is her answer to that question.
"First, if you are Catholic and under the age of 60 or so, it is because the Church has been infiltrated by Marxist-homosexualists tasked with destroying the Church from the inside."
Isn't a person's age purely the result of WHEN THEY WERE BORN and not the result of some imaginary fucked-up religious agenda you pulled out of your ass?
" He’ll take the baby going to the Limbo of the Innocents, never seeing the Beatific Vision PLUS the damnation of the unrepentant mother AND the damnation of the apostate priests, nuns and clergy who told the woman that her abortion wasn’t a sin because 'the baby is in heaven'."
And the answer is, "A Nun falling down the stairs."
"What is, black and white, and black and white, and black and blue and white and black and blue and red and white, Alex. ... All Hail me!"
No, it's because people's opinions are changing. There is a paradigm shift that is calling for true "liberty and justice for all"[/Pledge Of Allegiance], which would include all who are not straight.
And aborted fetuses go to limbo? I thought fetuses did not have original sin. If Stan has so much power, why doesn't Gobs act on it?
Oh right. Because GOBS DOESN'T EXIST. And if he did, Gobs would not even care, being the murderous demiurgic bastard he is. After all, Gobs killed millions and Stan only (possibly) 10, which were only at Gobs's supervision and might not even have happened.
Don't forget homophobia.
"after reading this, stand back and bask in the bumbling ignorance of his (or her, shudder) answer. Yep. You can almost visualize it right now, can’t you?"
... Yes. Yes I can.
Church leaders have been fighting about the fate of unbaptized children since the 4th century, but Annie's got it all figured out. She's going to hell, because the bible specifically condemns adding to the "word of God."
Protestantism is intrinsically stupid and insipid
You know, I'm an atheist, and I would never say anything like this about Protestantism.
Limbo of the Innocents
Which isn't Biblical at all...
the damnation of the apostate priests, nuns and clergy who told the woman that her abortion wasn’t a sin because
Biblically, because the "baby" wasn't alive... kinda need to have the Breath of Life to be alive, and since there is no life there, there is no soul... and since there is no soul, there is nothing to go to hell or heaven. Oh, and because there is no life or soul in an unborn, it's not a sin either. (certainly not murder...)
Funny how those who claim to be the most righteous are the ones who are breaking some pretty serious rules... like adding shit to the Bible!
after reading this, stand back and bask in the bumbling ignorance of his (or her, shudder) answer.
Yup, once you've plugged into the absolute truth, everybody else looks so stupid and foolish. So after reading this, I can be smug and arrogant.
"If you are Protestant, you have never heard anything about this because Protestantism is intrinsically stupid and insipid."
Agree with that part. Protestantism is a pretty wide umbrella, with over 40,000 different Protestant denominations who all interpret the Bible their own way. But in the end they are all just heretical splinters who split from the Catholic Church. Or heretical splinters who split from heretical splinters who split from the Catholic Church. Or heretical splinters who split from heretical splinters who split from heretical splinters who split from the Catholic Church.
So is she saying that if the "Marxist-homo-lovers" didn't draw young people to the church, no one under sixty would join? Kinda says a lot about your religion right there.
Abortion is only bad because the "aborted babies" go to limbo? Why is Satan the bad guy in this? Wouldn't god send the little zygotes to heaven if they are supposedly persons? And apparently it doesn't matter if a woman has an abortion, anyway, she just has to repent and BLAM heaven granted.
"Protestantism is intrinsically stupid and insipid"
I agree. But it is no less stupid and insipid than Catholicism as evidenced by this quote.
Wait, the problem is now that aborted babies go to limbo?. Look, sweetheart, let´s speak about theology. Limbo is a purely theory of the Christian Church, specially the Catholic church, to explain the problem with original sin and baptism, that was proposed in the past and accepted by some people, BUT NOT ALL. It´s not dogma, which means that you, as a Catholic, don´t have any obligation at all to believe in that. So, your tirade makes no fucking sense. Second, nobody's saying that it´s ok because babies go to Heaven. They´re a complete separate issue, in the same sense that you don´t put into question the fate of the people you steal, for example. Who taught you Cathecism, for the love of God?
Not to worry, Ann. There is no god, no satan, no heaven and no hell. So you're covered all the way around.
Ann Barnhardt
Checking her website, it appears she's a late convert to Catholicism, As with most converts, she's gone totally off the deep end.
One fine point of Canon Law seems to have slipped her attention: she has absolutely no business in formulating what she thinks is correct Catholic teaching. The Catholic Church is very straight forward about this: either you have an official approbation or you shut the fuck up.
Ann is making things up that no modern Catholic theologian would agree with. She could be excommunicated for spreading this crap in the name of Catholicism.
It's off topic but that "40,000 Protestant denominations" statistic (the actual number usually claimed is around 30,000) is grossly overblown. To put it in perspective, that count actually includes the Catholic Church in it... as 200 or so of the "denominations" it claims to represent. The various Orthodox churches are also thrown into the mix with similarly overblown numbers and constitute another thousand or so. The problem is that this particular study counted individual churches found in multiple countries as actually being separate churches. In addition, what are termed "denominations" are actually usually autonomous church organizations that fall under the umbrella of larger denominations (Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, etc), of which there are really only a handful that are truly relevant. There is considerable overlap in terms of the doctrine found in those major denominations.
It's not that I care about defending Protestantism or anything like that so much as I get tired of seeing that particular polemic bandied about without any understanding of its actual context. There's plenty to bash about Protestantism... but if you're going to bash it, best to bash it for the right reasons. :)
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