Jesse Powell #fundie

I will add in here, Chivalry is the main means through which women are protected and valued as women. The basic ethic of Chivalry is that men are to provide for and protect women. Men having authority over women is part of men protecting women and so is part of Chivalry. Women’s well being is directly tied to the strength and effectiveness of Chivalry. Chivalry can only be maintained and function properly when it is under men’s control. Feminism tries to hijack and corrupt Chivalry by placing it under women’s control. This then leads to Chivalry being exercised incompetently and being something that is abusive to men leading men to withdraw from Chivalry thereby weakening Chivalry. This weakening and corrupting of Chivalry is then the primary harm that feminism causes to women.

When Chivalry is hijacked by women through feminist assertion there are two different responses a man can make to this situation to keep himself from being further abused. He can either withdraw Chivalry entirely so that the woman can no longer use Chivalry as a weapon against him; this is what the MRAs do. The other alternative is that the man can assert himself so that Chivalry is once again under the man’s control as it should be; this is what the TWRAs advocate. Once Chivalry is under men’s control then Chivalry will be strengthened and society will return to its proper order. As things are going now the feminists are getting more and more aggressive with their manipulation and misuse of Chivalry and this is leading to an ever greater backlash against Chivalry itself by the MRAs. This is the road to the complete abolition of Chivalry which would be disastrous for women.

To prevent the further erosion of Chivalry which can only cause women greater harm men must reassert their control of Chivalry so that men can dedicate themselves to the Chivalrous ethic again. The resurrection of Chivalry is the resurrection of Traditional Women’s Rights and of patriarchy. Patriarchy is in essence Chivalry. Chivalry is to the benefit of women, it is your friend. Those truly concerned for the welfare of women must support men when they seek to embrace their better natures by providing for and protecting women and such men must not be attacked or ridiculed for being “controlling” or “oppressive;” instead such Chivalry must be met with appreciation and deference in order for the reestablishment of Chivalry to take hold in the male mind once again.



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