Since people didn’t respond to it properly last time, here it is again:
I’ve long believed that there are numerous liberal policies that have contributed to the moral decline, and collapse of marriage and family, in the US and UK especially. Here are some changes that I’d like to see. Feel free to tear into it if you think you have better ideas.
6. Sex-Reassignment- Sex change operations and hormone replacement therapy are banned. If a person wishes to go to another country to obtain such services, they will surrender their US citizenship. This does not apply to people who are born with gender irregularity or ambiguous genitalia. Those situations will be dealt with by parents and medical professionals. Whatever procedures and therapies are necessary will remain available for those affected individuals.
7. Alternate Lifestyles in the Public Arena- Alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality or transgenderism in one’s private life will not be made illegal, but expression of those lifestyles shall remain private. Further, propaganda portraying alternate lifestyles in a positive light will be banned. Fines and penalties for disseminating propaganda, written or verbal, or public displays to or around children below 18 will be doubled.
Corporal punishment will be re-instituted in public schools and will be enforced by the Principal, at his/her discretion, but will be used only after 2 other attempts to change the offensive behavior have failed, including parental notification.
That's right, dude, vent your fantasies. I'm not saying we don't all already know how your crew would like the world to be run and are frankly tired of hearing it, but nevertheless, go on. You need to, considering how they'll never actually come to fruition.
Dear, Annie;
Homosexuality & Transgenderism isn't a "lifestyle", it's who a person is.
Being a fitness enthusiast, world traveler or all-night rave-dancer are lifestyles. Being gay or transgendered are not.
What to do with the inter-sexed genitalia should be left up to the person who's born with them.
Also, spanking should not be imposed, not every parent believes in spanking & I'm sure they wouldn't want a strange adult whacking their kid's butts.
You are a buttinski. You and your ilk should all move to Uganda. Thank you.
So...your solution is to abolish the Bill of Rights for anyone you do not agree with and restrict the Constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech to only those who say things you approve of.
As for corporal punishment in schools, we don't do it anymore for legal reasons, but also because in practical terms, it simply doesn't work on most school aged children. Sure, it will work in some cases, but in those cases it likely wasn't necessary. The most likely outcome for beating a student with a behavioral problem is that you now have a PISSED OFF student with a behavioral problem. In most cases corporal punishment makes it worse.
But I guess practical reality isn't the concern of people like you, especially when it interferes with your ideology.
So, I read the whole list.
It's basically the same standard theofascist bullshit that the religious reich has been peddling for the past 25 years. She seems a tad bit miffed that "people didn’t respond to it properly last time," so she reposted the list again. It went over even more poorly the second time.
Ya know, I read that guy's whole post, and it essentially boils down to a few things.
He is demanding all legal protections for gays be removed, all rights for gays be removed, and that gays be actively persecuted by both the state and community for being gay. Apparently because he finds them personally repulsive.
He is demanding that the government actively enforce one specific moral and ethical method of living: a heterosexual, monogamous, Christian, conservative, anti-science, anti-drug, anti-gay, anti-woman lifestyle. He is demanding this while at the same time claiming to be a libertarian.
This idiot is not a libertarian, he is a theistic fascist.
"Since people didn’t respond to it properly last time, here it is again"
Translation-I didn't get the answers I wanted to hear, i.e. overwhelming support and agreement for my theo-fascist views.
Good luck trying to install your 1950's-style conservative Christian theocratic utopian society, but it's never gonna happen. The country is moving more moderate/left, so people like you out of the fringe right are going to be left out there on the fringes of society.
"Alternate lifestyles"
I include fudamentalistic exercise of religion among alternative lifestyles. Let's ban those of public appearance, then.
As for the rest, you seem to have a problem differentiating identity from lifestyle.
With all that, the most disgusting point is in 5:
"Surrogates will obtain insurance, and be held financially responsible for reimbursement of expenses in the case that she is not able to deliver a child to the prospective parents. The surrogate will bear the full expense of all insurance and licensing requirements, and the state may impose a licensing fee to help cover administrative costs."
Imagine, a surrogates who gets paid gets sued because she had a miscarriage - for millions I guess. Holy fuck...
"Feel free to tear into it if you think you have better ideas."
Stay out of people's private lives. That's a far better idea. If they aren't harming anyone, then let them live and let live. If they are -then- intervene
You know what, guys? I think I've finally figured out why so many fundies have been calling for the outlawing of homosexuality and gay marriage.
They don't want gays to marry each other because they think closeted gays would be the ideal husbands! Think about it... they often think gays are anti-woman, so the resentment is theoretically there and there would be no physical attraction, so any sex would by its very nature HAVE to be solely for purposes of procreation.
"Since people didn't respond to it properly last time, here it is again: "
"You all called me on my bullshit. Clearly, I'm right, so you must not have understood. Here it is again: "
"Alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality or transgenderism in one’s private life will not be made illegal, but expression of those lifestyles shall remain private."
I'd like to understand just how I'm supposed to keep being transgender private. Must I revert to my birth gender whenever I walk out the door so as to not offend your delicate sensibilities?
Hey annejones, I think I've found the perfect country for you to move to!
Now why don't you pack your bags and head on over there right away? The U.S. doesn't really go in for that kind of nonsense anymore. Dasvidaniya.
"Feel free to tear into it."
Well, we are on FSTDT..
Honestly, though, it's not like any of that is likely to take place, so it's probably not worth the effort.
For anyone who didn't already know you're a guy, you just proved it to them by showing that you don't know what HRT is.
And being gay/transgender has nothing to do with "liberal policy". It's about science. Oh, hat's right. You think science is a liberal thing, too.
"Since people didn’t respond to it properly last time, here it is again: "
So are you going to keep posting until people "respond" the way you want? Good luck with that.
"Since people didn’t respond to it properly last time, here it is again: "
I suspect your problem is that people did respond to it properly the first time. Their response was that you didn't take your meds.
Fortunately, your type of authoritarianism where children are beaten in schools is considered savagery by much of the world today. Since administrations are accountable and that people have rights including to sue, you would be surprised how flooded by lawsuits your school would be when parents learn of the mistreatment.
Or if it's only within a cult, when outsiders learn of that abuse... Unfortunately it still exists, though and some small cults have to constantly be on the move to escape scrutiny and the law. You'd be surprised how unhealthy they look when they get occasional news coverage... It usually comes hand in hand with other forms of child abuse.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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