Ann Barhardt #fundie

Humility – TRUE humility, not the false Pope Francis perversion of the concept – is honesty about one’s self, BOTH in terms of what we are, and what we are not. Those of us who have been given much, as Our Lord said, have proportionally greater societal duty, and we are expected to discern this. Now Pope Francis and his ilk, being Marxists, nincompoops, and moral cripples, take these words as purely material, twisting them to falsely justify progressive taxation schemes and forced wealth redistribution, but the material sense is at the bottom of the list. Closer to the top of the list are the intellectual gifts that God has bestowed upon us very, very unequally.

The point of this is that unless and until the intelligent, wise, morally upright people on this earth stop cowering in shame before psychopaths, imbeciles and moral degenerates, and face up to the fact that they must reassert themselves and reclaim their place in society WHICH IS THEIR DUTY, there is no non-supernatural remedy to any of this, and it will continue to spiral into hell.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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