(The person who made this probably rages at the mere mention of the word “antifa”)
Nobody rages at the words antifa. The group is the laughing stock of the world right now. It’s a bunch of beta males who have to ask their mom to make them a sandwich before they go out and put on masks to LARP on 75 year old Trump supporters in a 12:1 ratio until they are encountered by Based Stickman and beaten back into the depths of Hell whence they came. Had to reblog it just because this shit is too comical.
The only reason you find this "comical," theangryidiot, is because your knowledge of history is quite nearly non-existent. The cartoon is asinine and so are you.
Oh, um, and I'm antiFa because I used to be Fa...and your "stickmen" are girl scouts compared to the Old Guard.
Why do you fear them so, then?
@Tricky Fox
Your local chapter recently managed to defend an lgbt group from a pogrom by some degenerate "patriots" in a town nearby. If we ever meet, all your booze is on us!
One group attempted genocide against several groups of people, advocated for fascist ideals, and is celebrated by the alt-right.
The other group wants to punch people for being nazi fascists and stop the former from ever happening again.
And apparently this makes them identical.
What a bunch of morons.
...and now Donald Fart - despite his campaign 'promises': right up to his inauguration speech, about being isolationist; 'America First', and more recently about how Syrians should decide the future of Arse-sad's regime by themselves - is now the laughing stock of the world.
'The world is laughing at us!'
-Donald Fart: 2012
With just this one action alone, he's basically done 'Auntyfa's job for them. Mission Accomplished. Time to pack up & go home.
Because as proved by the meltdown in 4chan's /pol/ after that Cruise Missile attack, in Soviet America, Uncle fa punches you .
Had to comment on it just because this shit is too comical. Just like your own 'Comical Ali', Sean Sphincter.
The Trumptards on /pol/ were essentially saying 'If he goes for Regime Change in Syria, then fuck him: stick a fork in him. He's done'.
His Secretary of State has given Putain the ultimatum: 'If you're not with us, you're against us'. The turkey in the White House is done to a turn. Here's that fork, little Tumblrina. Will you be doing the honours, or shall I...?! >:D
@Tricky Fox
I know, it actually pains me to see many of our own folks trashing the very people who would defend them, I kind of blame the nineties and their utterly idiotic notion that violence can`t even be used for defense against violence(when everything in the world tells you it sometimes has to be), apparently many more bought into than I`ve thought.
We`ve got lots of friends in the movement and at times helped them out with a roof to sleep under and a home cooked meal, there are still those who will show empathy to their allies.
@Tricky Fox.
I'm no fascist, but the experience I have with AntiFa cells in France is that they're violent thugs with leftist/anarchist opinions, spending as much of their time disrupting conservative-liberal-socialist movements (or other leftists not of the correct obedience) than fascist goons.
Basically, political violence from the left.
They're the ones throwing stones on cops during demonstrations, "liberating" factories, blocking universities, basically being a general nuisance that can be hopefully sometimes diverted to face nuisance from the other side.
If you're rather defending LGBT rallies against bullies, then kudos to you! But AntiFa has a serious background to me.
I doubt that the Nazis in 30's Germany said "Lol Jews suck". It was more like "Jews are a threat to the society! Let's kill them before they destroy it." And, they killed a bunch of homosexuals, Roma people, communists and dissidents, while they were at it...
Today's Nazis and fascists (i.e. the Alt-right) also want to kill Jews, LGBT, Communists, Roma people, and they've added Muslims to the list. So, it ought to be the first picture again, just with the text "Now" at the top.
That's not 1930 Germany. That's 2016 Sweden.
(The churches rang their bells in warning of war or attacks. Go Churches!!!)
Please provide evidence that tens of thousands, if not millions, of cishet men are being killed on an industrialized scale.
Hope you look at these fuckheads very, very closely. Because that`s how you get nazis. I`d know, we had to sell our last appartment because of the very same scheiss. Live in the walls, carry all sorts of diseases both mental and physical, spread filth everywhere they go, you get too many and you might as well sell your house. ;)
Swede and Skide speak the truth. And yes, sensible people should be afraid.
What you're seeing is, in all truth, my worst nightmare.
Great. This. Again. The only upside for me is that, this time, there is no way in hell I'm serving that evil again. Not ever.
And if anything I ever say even slightly 'resonates' with you, you'll take this warning to heart. You'll wear it like a shield: Do not serve the fascist machine. Among other things, it cannot survive without an enemy and so it eats its servants with just a much animosity as it grinds its enemies...enemies everywhere; in the Party, out of the Party, portering a high officer's suitcase...
It's Orwell's warning: Imagine a boot stamping on a human face. Forever.
@Hors Service
While in other threads I mentioned it is hard to tell the difference between groups outside dogma I have to admit this
Even as a white libertarian myself I am MORE likely to be attacked by Trump supporter or fascist because my views on LGBT, checking the box for Hillary, my religion (Pagan), or some other slew of reasons. While there are violent antifa individuals who blur the lines, by far the greater threat, from my experience comes from fascists. I will admit in those threads I *could* be wrong in thinking they were antifa in that they could have been plants. Though I do doubt it, it is possible. While some antifa might hate me for my political beliefs I feel much safer admitting them to antifa than to fascist.
I have seen transgender people apologize for the way that Tumblr has turned cisgendered into an insult.
>(The person who made this probably rages at the mere mention of the word “antifa”)
And as the quote proves, is likely the type who starts scream "SJW" and "cuck" the moment anyone rightfully points out when something is racist, sexist or homophobic.
That group I can support and can not speak ill of them for they are doing the right thing both socially and internally. I didn't know that there were antifa groups trying to weed out the bad so on that end I owe an apology to the Antifa posters here
My sincerest and humblest apologies. I am very sorry on that end. Keep up the good work guys
It may be historical glasses doing most of it but I have tremendous respect for AntiFa groups. They make me think of Vidal Sassoon and Cable Street. I'd be a part but trust me, you fine folk want a more fit individual less likely to have a crippling anxiety attack or fixate on getting everything into even rows.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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