Tim Dukeman #conspiracy afellowtruthseeker.blogspot.com
[Since it's relevant to the first few sentences, the title of this piece is "Is Climate Change a Trojan Horse?"]
I've already posted about Climate Change more broadly, but the question in the title was posed to me, so here's my response:
"It depends on what you mean by that." Do I think that (most) liberals are intending to use Climate Change to take away our freedoms or to make government more intrusive than it already is? No. I don't think that.
Do I think that Climate Change will function as a Trojan Horse? Of course I do. I pay attention. I understand basic human nature. I've noticed that we're ruled by tyrants (wearing both red and blue ties). The fact that Climate Change is not intended to be a Trojan Horse does not mean that it will not become a Trojan Horse.
To understand the conservative perspective on this, you have to understand the significance of the Contraception Mandate. Obama and Sebelius took a law about health care and used it to functionally destroy the Free Exercise Clause of the 1st Amendment. If Hobby Lobby loses that case, then Rights of Conscience are dead in America. A Health Care law was used to destroy religious freedom. Absolutely stunning. There's nothing in Obamacare that even talks about religion!
When you understand that the ruling class is willing to destroy the singular principle on which most American colonies were founded---for the sake of birth control no less, then you understand that we simply cannot give government that much power. If Climate Change is to be fixed, it must be fixed by means other than government mandate, lest that government mandate be used to move us even closer to fascism.
It is eminently possible that future historians will tell of the day that America lost religious freedom on the altar of birth control. We can only hope that other important freedoms will not be lost on the altar of Climate Change.