Most people do indeed think of God as He. Even feminists. It often surprises me to hear otherwise agnostic, liberal, and even feminist-minded people refer reflexively to God as “He”.
I sometimes wonder if a lot of liberal and feminist rage is directed at men because of this male image of God. Most of what liberals and feminists say seems to be motivated by a misplaced misotheism. They hate God for being God, for being Father, and they displace their hatred onto the nearest male. A lot of liberal slogans and goals seem designed to provoke the male principle. “Watch me leave my husband, abort my child, change this child’s sex, sleep with this other woman, campaign for single sex marriage, demand that Daddy pay for my contraception, demand that Daddy pay for my lifestyle — and now, call God a girl.” It is rebellion against the Natural Order, like the Sin of Eve, the first feminist.
Do you think there were no feminists in the crowd crying out “Crucify Him!”?
No, there were no feminists in the crowd, period. However, there were a lot of tired and angry women who probably would have been glad to trade places with a Roman wife. Not a perfect life, but at least they'd have learned how to read. There is no biblical equivalent to Fulvia Flacca Bambula.
"Do you think there were no feminists in the crowd crying out “Crucify Him!”?"
Probably not, but if his followers were anything like you all are today, they were probably the ones yelling the loudest. Nah I'm just kidding. Jesus didn't exist so they were denied that pleasure.
You're trying to attack women from so many different sides of this argument that even I can't track it, and I'm pretty sure that I'm smart enough to track anything coherent.
You fail. Women don't actually suck that much. Especially your dick.
Oh, there. Tracked it.
And, remember, by your theology, it took a fallen angel to tempt Eve. It only took a woman to tempt Adam.
You still sure your god's actually a dude?
They hate God for being God, for being Father, and they displace their hatred onto the nearest male.
Yes, I'm sure this is the primary motivation of all feminists. They all run around all day thinking about God, just like the rest of us.
Yeah, sure. Of course. What else?
I wonder what David Collard will do when he finds out that God is not only a female, but also a lesbian, black, and a liberal. His tiny pointed little head will explode.
Abrahamic religion is nauseatingly patriarchal and imposes that onto society because it assumes that is the "natural order" of things, probably because it was created by a bunch of privileged males who either didn't know any better or had a vested interest in preserving said privilege.
Also, in Middle English, "he" was the definite neuter pronoun , anyway, so even though God was considered male because of the religion being patriarchal, the use of "he" does not necessarily imply maleness in the English of the KJV. What is now the neuter "they" was originally used as an indefinite pronoun regardless of gender (e.g. I recently heard something in a public-service ad like, "After age 50, a man should have their prostate regularly examined for cancer."). Eventually, "they" mostly won over for both the neuter and indefinite pronoun, but by then, habit had already assigned the Christian God a grammatical gender, so even people who don't think of him as (meta?)physically male still refer to him with a grammatically male pronoun. For a counterexample, ships, other vessels, and countries are still occasionally grammatically feminine in English.
This has absolutely nothing to do with an unconscious knowledge or reflexive acknowledgment of the "natural order" of things. Grammatical gender does not make sense when extended to natural gender. For example, a French word for "penis" is feminine. That does not mean the French think ciswomen have penises. This is starting to get close to Navaros' babbling about "God's penis," so I'll stop now. You can pay me for the grammar lesson later.
“Watch me leave my husband, abort my child, *change this child’s sex*, sleep with this other woman, campaign for single sex marriage, demand that Daddy pay for my contraception, demand that Daddy pay for my lifestyle
and now, call God a girl.
I'm pretty sure that is illegal.
Do you think there were no feminists in the crowd crying out “Crucify Him!”?
- If there were, none of the biblical authors saw fit to mention it. You're not adding to the bible, are you Dave?
Nah, it was Pontius Pilate who said 'Cwucify him!'
Then the cwowd wagged on him by shouting 'Welease Wodger' and 'Welease Wodewick!'.
Don't you think tho, Pontiuth, that thith thupid thundie ith thuch a thilly?!
Now go paint that on the walls a hundred times - in proper Latin - or I'll cut your balls off.
[/"Monty Python's Life of Brian"] X3
I thought the first feminist would be Lilith, Adam's first wife. Who, by the by, was vastly superior to Eve, in my opinion.
@Creedence Leonore Gielgud:
Um, yes, actually, he did. There's certainly plenty of debate over whether he was actually the Messiah and the son of God, but it's pretty much universally agreed by modern scholars that he was a real person.
"A lot of liberal slogans and goals seem designed to provoke the male principle"
If by male principle you mean a dictatorship that derives its authority from a so-called god thae way Nazi Germany did, then yes.
What would be the point of God having a gender? Who's He going to have sex with?
He's a bachelor, and apparently only used it the one time to rape Little Mary Christ.
Must not have liked it all that much.
Not only were there no feminists, there were probably no women at all in the crowd. Pious Jews didn't allow the sexes to mix, except for family members. That was an extremely patriarchal society and women just didn't do what was restricted to men.
You idiots are delusional. God is male because your religion was dominated by patriarchal halfwits. In societies where females were revered, god was female.
In fact, most societies at the time had male and female gods, as did the early version what became Judaism. You can still find traces of it in the two disparate accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2.
Clearly I've been getting the wrong, and less fun (sarcasm), feminist memos.
Love my husband dearly, think theism should die as quickly as possible, very much a feminist.
Yes, I think there were no feminists in the crowd.
Yet another sex-deprived assclown who can only make himself feel better by blaming them goddurn feminist librul types. I almost pity this guy, then I realize he's a jabbering moron and I laugh at him. Also, what in the sam hell is single sex marriage?
there were probably no women at all in the crowd.
Well, there were at the crucufixion, albeit off in the background:
And many women were there beholding afar off (Matthew 27:55)
So, it is conceivable that women could have been present during the judgement, as long as they kept their distance and didn't get actively involved. They certainly didn't say anything, and certainly not “Crucify Him!”
They probably could have made some noise though, jeering and such.
Did you know? Feminists are the cause of all the world's troubles. We know that God in all His cunning created feminists to test the faith of the charismatically challenged who think there's an invisible superman in the sky who represents them and that one day He will inundate them with sandwich-making pussy.
We know that God is a He because of His blatant non-existence and His masculine invisibility and His dislike of women. We also know that He is a He because of His righteous self-entitlement.
Um, no, he actually didn't. He's an amalgam of dozens of older deities, folk heroes, religious figures, and the like, from various ancient cultures, and religions. Jesus' historical existence is still quiet often taken as an absolute, even by scholars who should know better, but there is no compelling reason for this, outside of it being traditional to do so. The fact that they are scholars however, doesn't excuse them from having to follow the scientific method. It's not universally accepted as you claim either.
If you will kindly produce some evidence that he existed historically, I'll happily admit that I am in error. As a heads-up, long debunked extra-biblical sources such as Tacitus, or Josephus are unacceptable, as are twisted interpretations of vague OT passages, extrapolated to fit your argument.
'They hate God for being God, for being Father, and they displace their hatred onto the nearest male.'
You people don't seem to be able to grasp the fact that normal people don't spend all day thinking about your god. It's very simple. He doesn't exist, so we don't hate him, we just couldn't give two shits about him, or for your your hopeless misinterpretation of feminism.
"Or rather: how long will it take until they post something on god's penis?"
One of the top 100 quotes here already mentions God's "holy, righteous penis".
We also think of Santa Claus, Satan and Peter Pan as "he". It's just old habit.
Most feminist rage is directed at society for quoting in males everywhere. Most feminists want equal rights, equal opportunities, equal pleasures.
Those are hardly liberal or feminists slogans, asshole. It's more like "Watch me leave my abusive husband before he kills me. Watch me having as many children as I want out of wedlock. Watch med allowing my son-who's-born-in-a-girl's-body to become the son his brain tells him he is. Watch me accepting that I'm attracted to women and not men. Watch me campaign for cheap and easily available condoms AND pills. Watch me not caring whether God is a man or a woman, as s/he probably doesn't exist anyway."
Actually, Eve was a good pre-Christian woman, as she obediently followed the order a male gave her.
Yes, if the crucifixion really happened, there probably were a few feminists in the crowd, but the crowd mostly consisted of misogynistic male Jews and obedient Jew wives.
According to standard monotheist parameters:
1. God is everywhere.
2. God created everything.
3. Therefore, God created everything inside God.
Note that internal creation is a feminine trait.
"change this childs sex" blows your whole argument. No parent takes that step lightly. Occasionally it is done when an infant is born with specific defects in its genitalia, and the doctors recommend a treatment.
No parent would get sexual reassignment surgury done on a minor without going to court. The court is likely to require counselling for years before allowing treatment toproceed.
When you pay thousands a year for health insurance , and contraceptives may save the insurance company many thousands of dollars in costs, it is not askibng much for them to pay a small cost for birth control pills.
The bible clearly states God the father. The christian God is three guys who are one God, the Father, The holy spirit who actually inseminated Mary , and the Son. Can you say eeeewwwwwww !
With the Christian Gods obvious hatred and contempt for women why shouldn't women have an issue with it ?
Actually, it's simply proper English usage.
When referring to an generic individual of unknown or undefined sex the proper usage is "he." This saves having to say "he or she" all the time.
Morons that use "she," out of some misplaced concept of political correctness, drive me fucking crazy.
Filin De Blanc wrote
"Or rather: how long will it take until they post something on god's penis?"
Let's not forget God farts musically too.
Isaiah 16:11 Wherefore my bowels shall sound like an harp for Moab, and mine inward parts for Kirharesh.
No, there's no credible evidence that the Biblical Jesus ever existed, to clain there is is a bare-faced lie.
You're confusing your mythologies. You're thinking of Pandora's disobedience to Zeus.
In Christian mythology, even though Eve sinned first, it was Adam's sin that brought about the Fall of Man.
I must admit though, that the Pandora mythology makes more sense. It's not as if the first people had any idea of good and evil when they 'sinned'; they didn't get that until after eating from the tree. Also, the Fall of creation, labour pains, eviction and death does seem like a crazy over-reaction to pinching apples.
Most people do indeed think of God as He.
And they refer to ships as "she". The Germans refer to unmarried women as "it", the floor as "him" and a pitchfork as "she". What's your point?
Uh, "liberal" and "feminist" are not theological leanings like "agnostic". A liberal or feminist can be a theist, an atheist, a deist and anything and everything else in-between. If a God exists why would It have a gender or sex? Does God have a need to procreate and does God have a flesh and blood body?
This entry convinces me even further this website needs an additional "Sexists Say The Darndest Things" archive.
Jesus was a liberal, by your definition, since helping the poor and the sick is your idea of liberal. He also stood up for persecuted women.
Funny how you see people who agree with His teachings as hating God.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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