Christian #fundie

Deut 22:28-29 is also a 'women's rights' law. A man rapes a virgin. In that culture no one would be willing to marry her after that, and so she would live in shame with her parents for the rest of her life. After her parents died she might well have had noone to provide for her. And there were few career options for women back then. Prostitute or begger pretty much covered it. So this horrible thing happens, a man rapes a virgin. What is then to be done about it? What would be the most corrective thing to do about the damage done in that cultural context? What is the most just and moral way to address such a horrible situation once it occurs? Solution ... the man gets stuck with caring for her for the rest of his life. She becomes his wife (which he surely was not looking for) rather than merely being his victim. Instead of the parents having to provide for her in shame the rest of her life, she becomes the WIFE of this man. He's not going to rape very many virgins with this law being enforced. He would go broke very quickly doing so.



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