Anti-White of the Year 2017


Another year is coming to its end and it is time yet again to announce the winner of the anti-white of the year award. This prize is given to the person who is deemed to have promoted the most anti-white policies during the year and is voted for by members of our community. Last year’s winner was the German politician Angela Merkel, who made herself notorious with her extreme liberal attitude regarding the foreign immigration policy which allows migrants into Germany (and the rest of Europe), which had severe consequences for the indigenous population of Europe. Not only in terms of demographics, but also in terms of safety. We witnessed the incident in Cologne and terrorist attacks after terrorist attacks in Europe, and 2017 fared no better in that regard unfortunately as the problems have only escalated since.

Although Merkel was amongst the nominees for this year’s award yet again, she was beaten by George Soros who many considered was worthy of the anti-white of the year award 2017 – ourselves included!

George Soros is notoriously anti-white and it should not come as a surprise to anyone why he deserves to win this award.

While many anti-white leaders, politicians and influential people promoted anti-white policies, such as mass immigration into all and only white countries, Soros definitely took it one step further this year. He really put his money where his mouth is to say the least.

Soros is considered to be one of the wealthiest persons in the world, and while some billionaires focus their attention on supporting various charities to help the poor, or simply their own selfish gains, Soros actively uses his wealth in order to further support the Great Replacement.

This year alone he donated a vast amount of his fortune ($18 billion to be precise) to his “philanthropic agency” called Open Society Foundations. As the name of this foundation entails, one of their main goals is to ensure that the process of globalism and open border policies into the West from the Third Word continue to escalate (he’s certainly not promoting an “Open Society” in Israel—).

Soros has been caught funding other things in the past that is in line with his anti-white agenda. For example, he is accused of having paid anti-Trump rallies and rioteers including Black Lives Matter, he has donated large sums of money to pro-abortion groups (but only in white countries of course) and anti-white organisations and “anti-racist” magazines such as Expo in Sweden.

The amount of anti-white initiatives he has supported are too many to mention (perhaps somebody should do the effort to list them all), but what they all have in common is that they are all bad for the future existence of Europeans/white people. His policies are no threat to Africans, Asians or Jews, he only wants open borders and a “blended humanity” in white/Western countries, a.ka. The Great Replacement.

His blunt attempts and ambitions to divide and cause racial tensions and to flood Europe with migrants, have caused numerous people, including leading politicians, to question his motives.

Today, only central and Eastern European nations seems to see through Soros agenda. Russia even decided to actually ban Soros foundations for being a “threat to the country’s constitutional order”. And in response to Soros, who urged that “EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future”, the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban said that “Soros network in Brussels plots creating ‘Europe of mixed population”.

In Hungary, they even started an ad campaign, warning Hungarian citizens of the danger of Soros.


And considering his initiatives and the fact that he has donated a majority of his fortune to these causes that is harmful to our people he certainly seems eager to fulfill this goal, which is why he is a clear winner of this anti-white of the year award!

If only we had a pro-white version of Soros—



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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