At the risk of drawing some of the anti-fundie heat toward myself, I'm about to ask a question that even the more calm, rational folks who are regulars here would consider controversial.
*dons his BLU Pyro outfit--sans mask, since he wants to speak at least SOMEWHAT intelligibly*
Why are there still two locker rooms in the first place?
In my personal opinion gender-segregated restrooms and locker rooms should've died the same horrible screaming death suffered by color-segregated facilities in the late 1960s.
When I walk into a restroom or locker room, I'm not there for a peep-show. Rather, I'm there to:
1a. Pee and/or poop;
2a. Wash and dry my hands;
3a. Leave, going about my previous business.
(locker room)
1b. Clean my body;
2b. Dry my body to a reasonable degree;
3b. Don my clothing;
4b. Leave, going about my previous business.
I wouldn't care what the person in the next toilet stall/shower stall over has between his/her legs, so why do so many other people? We read about Middle Eastern fundies proclaiming that women simply must cover themselves from head to foot, lest the men around them lose control of their sexual impulses, and we claim (quite rightly) that that's hardly the fault of women, and that these Middle Eastern fundies simply haven't evolved socially. Yet, when someone of the "wrong gender" sets foot in a restroom or locker room, and other restroom/locker room users freak out, why aren't we calling attention to the lack of social evolution of these people?