TFH #fundie


"You’d think that would mean that its readers would be humanitarian and compassionate,"

Why would anyone still think this?

Virtually all genocides are derived by leftists. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. This is because leftism views economics as zero sum, hence the killing of unwanted people is a way to have more resources for those who are allowed to live (the favored group).

Modern leftism (global warming, feminism) is all about exterminating the groups that leftists don’t like. They claim to be ‘compassionate’ so as to mask their evil. Anyone who supports current laws like VAWA and child support is ‘compassionate’, and thus MRAs by definition are ‘evil’, under that standard.

And yes, Hitler was left-wing. Don’t buy into the leftist myth that he was right wing. The Nazi party was a socialist party, that nationalized many sectors of the economy.



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