David J. Stewart #fundie google.com.au

If you want to experience proof of God, simply open your eyes, your ears and your heart. To ask for proof of God is like asking for proof of a fire while the entire forest is burning in front of you. Life couldn't have just happened. Due to perplexing unanswerable questions that anguish the unbelieving mind (like where did the universe come from?), atheist scientists have been forced to concede that the universe came from nothing. Although they attempt to logically explain their foolish position, at best they utter complete bogus nonsense. Evolution is not legitimate science, it is a false religion that unbelievers and skeptics CHOOSE to believe. Christians likewise choose, but we choose to believe the Bible; however, in drastic contrast, Christians have an abundance of historical and archaeological proofs to support their faith in the Holy Bible. Evolutionists have nothing to support their retarded claims other than more retarded claims. I'll stick with the time-tested, historically-accurate, archaeologically-supported, Word of God!!!



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