Cindy #fundie

(Response to a gay couple christening their children in a church)

This is just too sick for words! By baptizing these children and allowing these so called "fathers" and their sinful companions to be there they are cheapening everything it means to be a Christian.

I understand that it's not the "children's fault" that the people who have custody of them are living in sin, but the way things work, children do suffer for the sins of their parents. No, I don't mean God makes them suffer, but they suffer the consequences of their parents sins. In this case their "parents" are gay and living in sin, and so they will suffer the consequences of that. If these guys want their children to know Jesus, then they need to repent of their sins and then baptize them if they choose. (yes, I know infant baptism means nothing, but the world doesn't know that and so by doing this, they are giving the world a very bad impression of Christianity.



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