alhere #fundie

There are a number of lines of legal forensic evidence that could be presented.

One would be that life is too complex to have come into existence by time, chance and random processes. There is no way you could add information to the genetic machinery for increased complexity unless there was an intelligence designing and directing the adding of information.

That leads to, well who is that intelligence then? From there you can point out that the Bible claims to be a message from that intelligence. Ok, then how do I know that the Bible is really from the creator? There are a number of lines of evidence one can consider.

Bible prophecy and its accurate fulfillment is strong evidence that the Bible is from that Creator. There are hundreds of prophecies already accurately fulfilled and many more ready to be fulfilled in the end times.

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has strong legal evidence that it truly happened. The gospels are 4 eyewitness accounts of these events admissable in any court of law. There were over 500 eyewitnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ available also. Secular historians recorded the fact of the existence of a man named Jesus Christ. The dead sea scrolls attest to the accuracy of the manuscipts we now have. The writings of the early church fathers preserve virtually every verse in the Bible which affirms our current Bible.

There is a start.



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