Saint-in-training #fundie

I don't think a lot of people realize what this country could potentially turn into being lead by Obama. Liberals have become very dangerous indeed, and their agendas although they may not believe it will lead to our further decline and downfall. If Obama thinks he can be buddies with the nations who threaten us and others and get them to change their minds, ask this, can you be buddies with the devil and get him to change his mind? He'll act like your buddy for sure to start with, but soon thereafter you will find that he is a user and he thinks of any followers or "buddies" as expendable. He has no true friends. Because he is not a friend at all. He will use you for what you can get him, and then discard you without so much as a second look. So, why does Obama think he can change their minds? That would mean he thinks he can get them to give up their strong religious convictions and beliefs. That's what Ahmadinejad believes he is working at and for. To pave the way for their mahdi.

We would become a nation who has no morals, and is luke warm through and though. Abortionists, gay marriage would arise maybe be federally legalized, they might even completely open the borders because they are the ones that believe in these "sanctuary cities." What else? We almost definitely would be forced to become underground churches. Would they ban the Bible for being "hate speech"? That's the standpoint Obama has taken on people who try to tell the truth about him. You can't speak the truth if the majority and the president thinks it's hate speech. Idunno. This whole idea of him becoming president just literally makes me ill. And scared. I guess I shouldn't be, but I'm not sure how much we'll have to live through before the return of our Lord for us.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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