I don’t know where you went to school, but God is spelled with a capital G. Maybe you need a refresher course in spelling.
Well god damn! god almighty, I hate it when people won't capitalize the god damn G in god. Those god forsaken heathens! I pray god almighty will rain down his godly fury upon the godless. Maybe god can invite his son jesus christ to get in on the godification of those who don't know to capitalize G in god!
Style manuals usually suggest spelling words referring to specific entities such as God, the President, the Queen, etc. with a capital. It's not an issue of respect, but rather of verbal clarity; after all, Satan is also spelled with a capital S.
God is only spelled with a capital "G" when it's directed at a monotheistic god. It's spelled with a lower case "g" when it's a polytheistic god. For example, "The Bible said God is the only way to heaven” versus "Zeus is a Roman god". But it's merely semantics, they both are equally ridiculous.
A regular noun should be capitalized if it is being used in place of a proper noun. That is if it is being used like a name. For instance, in "I want another beer, Mother." the word mother should be capitalized since I am using it like a name. But if I say, "My mother got me another beer" it should not.
Same with god. Except he would never get me a beer.
"God" is only spelled with a capital G when it is being used as a proper name, such as when referring to the Christian diety, just as "Odin," "Zeus," and "Shiva" are capitalized. They are all proper nouns in this context. But the word "god" can also be used to refer to a classification of beings, real or imaginary.
It is the hight of arrogance for fundie Christians to claim ownership of a general-use noun.
AOL does the same thing with spell checker, if you use god or gods, it will "correct" it to say God or Gods, even if you are saying something like "the god Zeus".
Some people capitalize it out of tradition and respect. As an atheist, I feel no need to demonstrate that, so I'll spell it any damn way I want. [eg. god, dog, gawd, evil sky-fairy, sky-daddy, despot, etc.]
Also, I take my spelling of god from the 'infallible' KJV, Exodus 34:14: "For thou shalt worship no other god."
Are you correcting divine grammar, Anon? Ooh, it's the lake of fire for you!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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