"And the last thing we need is to feed the white woman’s narcissism which is already inflated thanks to feminism."
That’s interesting. Atheist Indian once made a remark on Robert’s blog to the effect that white American women who travel to Eastern European countries are humbled on account of not being treated like hot shit, as they are normally accustomed.
However, white women who travel to places like India have their egos skyrocket due to the desi worship of white pussy.
My blonde friend, travelling to India with her boyfriend, said she was severely creeped out by EVERYBODY staring, drooling and shouting suggestions and comments( "If your man wasn't here, I totally fuck you!") to her. She swore off India forever.
I would be humbled too, if I traveled to Eastern Europe and the many problems they still have presented me in the face. I doubt it has anything to do with being a woman and everything with being a person. But that's true of any places that is full of suffering. If you focused on the Eastern European parts doing good, well, different reaction probably.
Of course I would feel oddly creeped out if someone wanted to worship my sexual organs, since that means they see me nothing but a mobile holder of sexual godhood. That... could lead to massive problems.
white American women who travel to Eastern European countries are humbled
Sure, Eastern Europe has plenty of absolutely beautiful women who as of yet haven't been transformed into tubs of lard by horrible eating habits. After all, Eastern Europe is where all those Eastern European models come from. Or does somebody think they come from Nebraska?
A lot of places overseas have men who go nuts for blond women. It's usually not an ego-trip for the woman, more like being followed by a pack of hungry dogs.
I'm not saying all men overseas act like that, but there are always assholes, no matter where you go.
Sexist AND racist!
Being hit on is not always an ego boost, numbskull. When I was younger and worked at McDonald's, it often happened when I worked nights that some dude wanted to know when I got off work. As I was tired and probably sweaty, dressed in McD uniform and stinking of french-fry-grease, I didn't take that as a compliment, but as "It's four in the morning, I'm really desperate and couldn't find anyone who wanted to come home with me, so now I settle for anything with boobs". The only thing that might work with idiots like these is to say "I have a boyfriend". Many will then back away, as you've already got an "owner". Some don't though, they just say "just don't tell him about it".
That's how narcissistic we white women are; we're still seen as pieces of meat.
I live in Japan and can wholeheartedly say the issue of fetishizing white skin is faaaaaaaar more complex than that.
In a nutshell, it's exotic and some people find the exotic attractive. Sometimes it boils over into what happened to Grimsoncrow's friend (@Grimsoncrow: Gomen nasai *bows*). Ouch!
Thankfully, myself included, the white women I know here haven't had anything bad happen. Nor had "their egos been stroked." We just get on with our lives like everyone else. Something tells me Bay Area Guy never traveled outside the bay area.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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