if a girl dresses immodestly and does it to lure a guy in and then she decides that she doesn't want to do anything with him after tempting him and she tells him no but he still "rapes" her then do you think she is guilty too?
i believe the answer is yes she is guilty just like the man of commiting sin!
that is what half of these girl that go around crying "rape" have done
they chose to dress the way they did to get a guy to sleep with them then all of the sudden when they felt "uncomfortable" they decide it is rape when really they had the intentions all along to sleep with the man
Rape apologist. And a woman.
They have a right to dress that way, but dressing that way does not take away the right to say no. If all the people are sluts like you think they are, why can't they just get uncomfortable and say no in spite of everything.
Not to mention that the rape in an alley is a lot less likely than a rape in a place where you're supposed to feel safe with people who are supposed to keep you safe and respect your feelings.
*goes to grumble at a wall*
If a man finds a woman attractive and desires to have sexual relations with her then that is not a woman's fault. This is simply how men are wired. For a man to go a few steps further and force the said woman into sexual intercourse is downright wrong and disgusting.
If a man cannot keep his privates in his pants then that is his problem and ultimately his fault. How you can turn around and blame the woman, I'll never know. And to top that off, you're a woman too... this is absurd.
then do you think she is guilty too?
No, I don't think that at all. Even if she leads him on, she still has the right to say no if she changes her mind for any reason. Even if she does this out of spite, or some desire to taunt someone, she still has the right to say no. Period.
that is what half of these girl that go around crying "rape" have done
I seriously doubt that. Rape happens because somebody wants to have power over somebody else, not because of how a woman dresses. But even if this were not the case, it's still not an excuse. Nobody ever deserves to be raped.
You do, of course, realize that 80% of offenders report not feeling sexual attraction to their victims? You realize, of course, that the pleasure of sex is not the incentive for rape? You realize that by blaming the victim you're not only coming across as hurtful to whatever victims read your rant, but also risk sounding like you condone rape in general?
Oh, and above all, cut the childish denial. Sex without consent is rape. Rape ruins the victim's life. End of story.
As I've got six friends who've gotten raped, few things infuriate me more than downplaying of the seriousness of rape. It makes my blood boil.
"if a girl dresses immodestly and does it to lure a guy in and then she decides that she doesn't want to do anything with him after tempting him and she tells him no but he still "rapes" her then do you think she is guilty too? Are we in 2007?
No, of course she's not guilty too. No means no and sex without consent is rape. Plain and simple. It may not correspond with your exceedingly primitive beliefs on "sin" and "modesty", but it's the truth, backed up by statistics and accounts by both victims and perpetrators. Logic 1, fundie 0.
Rape Apologist of the Month? I predict it'll be that or Post Of The Week. Or both.
...says the stupid cunt who gets her sexual "education" from chanting, blood-drinking, zombie-worshipping, genocide apologists who believe in talking animals ala 'Doctor Doolittle'.
Hum... seriously, I think a girl with that kind of behaviour reaped what she sowed. I mean, it doesn't excuse rape, but it's not very clever to bait someone and reject them like that. In any case, my esteem for such a girl is very low.
"Hum... seriously, I think a girl with that kind of behaviour reaped what she sowed. I mean, it doesn't excuse rape, but it's not very clever to bait someone and reject them like that. In any case, my esteem for such a girl is very low."
I once went home with a man (with the purpose to have sex with him). When I was in his apparment I found clues, that he had a girlfriend, which he also confessed. I used a couple of rude words and then left.
Now you're telling me, that I'm a not very clever girl who deserves very little respect because I "baited" the poor guy and the rejected him.
Well, you know what? I think you're an extremely stupid guy, who deserves no respect at all, since you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Wrap your tiny brain around this: Most girls who "baits" a guy actually wants to do the dirty deed. If she changes her mind and backs out, it's 99,999999% of the time because of the guy. Maybe he has a girlfriend, maybe his dick smells like rotting cheese or maybe he is so lousy at foreplay that she's completely turned off. Saying that a girl is stupid or doesn't deserve respect because she changes her mind about a guy is like saying that when you walk into a store, you HAVE TO buy something and not only are you stupid and deserve no respect if you leave the store emptyhanded; if the storemanager pulls a gun and demand that you give him your money, you have simply sowed what you reap.
The man is bound to say no to and be responsible with his dick, besides. Rejection is something it can happen with virtually EVERYTHING and sex is not something to be given to men, like a candy. It´s as if saying "I go to a shopping centre, I take a parfum, I test it and I decide that I don´t like it", would you find it sane if the man pushes me to pay for it, because I made him believe I was interested?. For fundies, if you omit SEX from the equation, they hit the jackpot..............and you show them how idiot they are.
Hum... seriously, I think a girl with that kind of behaviour reaped what she sowed. I mean, it doesn't excuse rape, but it's not very clever to bait someone and reject them like that. In any case, my esteem for such a girl is very low.
Don't be a clown, if you can possibly help it. There's no black and white here: "baiting and rejecting" for the guy might be mild flirting for the girl.
As for respect, don't make me laugh: the girl is a slut if she puts out casual sex signals? Thanks for that fundie interpertation, asshat. What's the guy for responding to them? A fucking hero?
This sounds like a misogynist posing as a female to make his skewed views seem more valid.
But if it's not, that makes it more sick & twisted.
Makes ya wonder about Bro. Randy, encouraging this line of thinking...
If immodest dress is the cause of rape, how come the US has 28 times as many rapes per capita as Greece and Canada has 68 times as many? Greek girls dress pretty much the same as American girls, except being in a warmer climate, they tend to wear even less for much of the year.
Tiffany's basically saying that half of all rapes are consensual sex, but that later the woman cried "rape" because she felt guilty (about the sex, not about sending a man to jail for 15 years for a felony he didn't commit).
if a girl dresses immodestly and does it to lure a guy in and then she decides that she doesn't want to do anything with him after tempting him and she tells him no but he still "rapes" her then do you think she is guilty too?
No I don't, and Who is to say that if a girl dresses "immodestly" she always does it to impress a guy?
I have absoultely no doubt that almost every guilty rapist who stands before a jury will claim that "she led him on" or she "flaunted it in front of him" even when she DID NOT!
i believe the answer is yes she is guilty just like the man of commiting sin!
Then you are a rape apologist
that is what half of these girl that go around crying "rape" have done
And you've pulled this statistic from where? Your arse?
Last thing I heard, sex was meant to be something enjoyed by BOTH parties involved. Why would any man gain pleasure from intercourse with a female who is crying and screaming because she does not want to have sex?
Hum... seriously, I think a girl with that kind of behaviour reaped what she sowed. I mean, it doesn't excuse rape
Sorry, but this is excusing rape. As soon as you say that someone deserves to be raped then you remove a portion of blame from the rapist.
so, if a girl doesn't wear cotton dresses and a bonnet, does it mean she is asking for it? It amazes me how all these christian men can not control themselfes (a bunch of drooling apes -proof of evolution - the missing link?)
I'd love to meet bro. randy - I'd make sure to wear a mini skirt!
I fucking hate it when people put the word rape in quotation marks, as if there is such a thing as a fake rape. Rape is rape, regardless of what someone is wearing or how much they've had to drink or even if they decided they initially wanted the person to fuck them and then changed their mind. And who is going to decide what would be considered immodest dress? According to the dumbfucks over at T4C, a girl wearing a pair of baggy blue jeans is immodest. So, I guess any woman wearing anything other than a full-bodied, ankle length, beige jumper with a beige turtleneck on underneath it is "asking for it"?
Ah, Raskolnikov and Tiffany should hook up. They're both almost equally sickening in terms of being rape apologists.
And Eileen, I couldn't have said it better myself. I have to wonder if Raskolnikov doesn't have a skeleton in his closet he's trying to justify.
According to that logic, only attractive, scantily-clad women get raped.
Tell that to the 80-year-old woman who had some cracked-out loser break into her house and rape her. It was the middle of the night and she was in her nightie ... so maybe she deserved it?
[/devil's advocate]
I fucking hate it when people put the word rape in quotation marks, as if there is such a thing as a fake rape. Rape is rape, regardless of what someone is wearing or how much they've had to drink
You mean like the "rape" the Duke lax players were accused of?
Moreover, I forgot to precise I was reacting to the specific situation described by Tiffany138, which seems to me a situation where the girl turns down the guy for no good reason.
Whereas the situations you described involved good reasons. Which is not quite comparable.
they chose to dress the way they did to get a guy to sleep with them then all of the sudden when they felt "uncomfortable" they decide it is rape when really they had the intentions all along to sleep with the man
Whether or not the woman's intent was to sleep with a man, if she decides she doesn't want to, at ANY moment, SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO, and any DECENT man would stop.
The same goes for guys, though I think it's probably not quite as common or likely.
If I was buck naked, wrapped completely up in my husband's arms, and he had a raging boner, and I had been saying all along that I wanted to have sex, and then, right before the moment of penetration, I said, "No, I changed my mind, I don't want to do it, I'm sorry." HE WOULD STOP. Should I probably have realised that I didn't want to do it before that moment? Yes. Does that change the fact that I said no, and if he had ignored me and forced me it would still be rape? No.
Tiff, I'm detecting vibes of a 'I'm too much of a porker to wear a crop-top, miniskirt & heels, and look sexy like the svelte girls who get all the men, so I'll hate them for not being me!' nature from what you're saying here. Am I wrong in thinking this?
If you actively lure a guy in and then change your mind, you might have to stand some anger, and you have behaved very stupidly. But that still does not give anyone the "right" to use your body against your will.
The problem is that very, very few women actively lure guys in. Women dress for themselves and for other women, mostly. Plus, very few rapes happen in nudist camps, it’s almost as if the more comfortable you are with the human body, the less risk it is of you violating it.
If a guy suddenly feels uncomfortable half-way through a date, does the woman have the right to force him to perform? Or, if a guy suddenly realize that the woman is more like him than he thought, if you catch my drift; is he then guilty of being raped, as he went willingly on the date and wore those alluring pants? No, of course not. You actually do have the right to change your mind, and to decide for yourself who has access to your body, regardless of situation.
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