ibnekhaldun #conspiracy huffingtonpost.com

The REAL PROBLEM is not of Harun Yahya. It is the problem of pseudo-secular liberals AND also of scientists.

There is a site that will appear INSTANTLY if you google for "speed of light" and "Quran" which has a derivation from 25000 months of the EXACT speed of light and a definition INVARIANT to the change of inertial frame.

It has been there for years but no cosmologists or physics professors have been able to refute it.

I have sent emails to physics profs at MIT,Cambridge,Oxford,Moscow,Sorbonne,Beijing,Weizmann,Caltech,Princeton etc and none had the courage to write a simple paper and refute the calculation.

The western civilization has lost all credibility after 911 inside job and nanothermite and anthrax. Counterpunch by Alex Cockburn has lost credibility due to coverup. Professor Steven Jones has credibility due to his RIGOROUS and THOROUGH scientific forensic work. Aafiya siddiqui proves western Kourts KANGAROO.

It is a fact that evolutionary theory is based on shoddy western science whose main reason for glitter are imperial and financial scams by the fractional reserve banksters like Rothschild/Madoff. Plz read the book "Allah's Mercy" by Hillaire Billoc which shows how spineless west is to the banksters that he wrote a very accurate workings of European jewish banksters BUT smeared on the name of Islam. This book was in early 1900s.



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