There is sometimes places in the textbooks that lie. Such as the Colorado carved the Grand Canyon over millions of years. Science has show, through the press, that you don't necessarily need a little water and a lot of time, but a lot of water and a little time. If they want to state these "new findings" they should be able to, which also needs an explanation of how the water got there (such as the Great Flood). Secondly, if you backed the water up in the Grand Canyon, if would all fill in above the Canyon's "water" line...creating a giant lake.
There is sometimes places in the textbooks that lie. Such as the Colorado carved the Grand Canyon over millions of years. Science has show, through the press, that you don't necessarily need a little water and a lot of time, but a lot of water and a little time.
What the hell are you rambling about? Geologists have indicated that the Grand Canyon was formed by water erosion over millions of years. Psycho nutballs like yourself are the only ones insisting otherwise.
There's so much concentrated idiocy here that I don't know where to begin. Instead, I'll look at the statement about "Science has shown, through the press" crap. Real science never 'shows' through the press. Only charlatans and the intellectually dishonest go to the press first. BTW: This is their way of getting around that whole peer-reviewed thing.
you don't necessarily need a little water and a lot of time, but a lot of water and a little time
what a load of bullshit...a load of water and a little time would create a lake, or a crater, or a valley....actually, it'll create nothing
Even if there is actually a possibility of a great mass of water and a shorter time, that raises, as vaderfan points out, quite a few new questions.
I would have to say occam's razor points towards the textbook theory.
"You can't blame #1vaderfan for not liking geology.
He finds its lack of faith... disturbing."
Thanks for that, you made at a recovering star wars nerd laugh like a tickled child.
I'm almost certain this vaderfan person watched a video you can find on Google video called 'lies in the textbooks'. In that video the speaker makes this claim about the grand canyon. This guy hasn't even misunderstood it, the original argument was really this retarded.
Ah, Darth's cousin Dolt Vader. The stupid is strong with this one.PS If you were my kid until you read some of those textbooks and learned the difference between internet urban legend nonsense, creationist pseudo-science, and real science, you would not be wasting time posting on a starwars website.
Whatever class you were taking when you came up with this gem, I hope the teacher gave you a great big FAIL.
There is no evidence for a global flood.
Any and all arguments used to prove one lead to more questions than they answer, and they all lead to "Goddidit".
I have one for you though.
If the flood waters covered everything on the Earth to a depth of 20-30 feet, that would've placed the sea level above Mt. Everest's peak. What did the people and the animals on the Ark breathe at that altitude? Oh, and how did the water stay liquid at below freezing temperatures?
Science has show, through the press, that you don't necessarily need a little water and a lot of time, but a lot of water and a little time.
Thats true. For example, Niagara Falls, with a flow of 100,000 cubic feet a second, has managed to erode its leading edge some seven miles in the last 12,000 years. 12,000 years is a "little time" to geologists. But that's a far cry from eroding the entire Grand Canyon in a year.
From many other quotes, I've come to the conclusion that #1 vader fan is a great troll...
Also, you people that respond to these realize that most of the people that get quoted don't know about this site? so what's with addressing to them directly?
The grand canyon wasn't formed by backing up the waters of the Colorado. It was formed by the land rising ever so slightly over millions of years.
Read up on your subject before pontificating, #1v.
@that guy - #1vaderfan appears to be the teenaged product of an extremely conservative fundie family. He's posted some about his background and it seems he's never been allowed to learn that there is a whole big world beyond fundieland.
I thought he was a troll at first, too, but he doesn't follow a troll pattern.
@that guy:
Also, you people that respond to these realize that most of the people that get quoted don't know about this site? so what's with addressing to them directly?"
See, many of us are used to debating idiots like this face-to-face. After a while, it leaks over into our posting style, I guess.
Or maybe we're just crazy. O.<
Oh, I don't doubt that there were floods that helped carve the grand canyon, but you know, there isn't much evidence for one big flood.
"Science has show, through the press..."
I think that if has been "show," and if the press backs it up, who are WE to question?
Water skiing, anyone, on the "giant lake?"
Paddle boats?...
Picnics on the shore?...
After all, "There is sometimes places..."
#299862: << A lot of water and a little time?, sounds like a song by Britney Spears. Or Hurricane Katrina. >>
How about Katrina and the Waves? ;^D
Man, "Walking on Sunshine" was probably the most hated song in New Orleans for a while. I'll bet it still is for some folks.
~David D.G.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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