sharaleigh23 #fundie
The PP abortion **doctors** are often butchers. Right after an abortion, they have to get to the next one $$$$$ so the woman is expected to get right up and leave. They do not have the women back for a check. Sometimes baby body parts are left inside causing infections and even death. Often the uterus is perforated meaning she can never have children when she wants.
And they do not tell her she could get breast cancer according to some doctors who are real.
Hospitals do not want those **doctors** because of the liability.
There are no mammogram machines even though they take in a fortune.
They charge an arm and a leg for a simple infection. They prefer to do $$$$$ abortions instead.
Many of the premises are unclean...filth everywhere, blood on the cots, instruments unclean.
Again -- if you know a woman that needs care, tell her to go to a clinic, not PP. The doctors are real at clinics and they are cheaper. And they do everything PP won't do and then some.
BTW, they call it Planned Parenthood but are hostile toward any woman pregnant that wants to keep her baby and they do not offer pre-natal care.