[From post entitled "Another fag using IVF to have a baby"]
It must have come as a real shock to everyone to hear that Clay Aiken has come out of the closet as being gay. Personally, I don't remember seeing a picture of him before because we do not have TV, and even if we did have one, "American Idol" is about the last show I would corrupt my mind with. But how anyone ever doubted that he was gay is beyond me after seeing his photo in the article. The guy looks as queer as a $3 bill. Based on his make-up and hairstyle, I am guessing he is the "female" in the relationship. Maybe he is also undergoing "gender reassignment"?
Of course, fags like to prey on little kids, which is why they like to have babies via IVF. Tell that to all the supposed Christians who run to the fertility clinic because after popping the pill their whole life they are shocked if they can't get pregnant suddenly on their own timetable. Thank you for supporting and financing the medical science that goes into giving gays access to innocent victims.
But wait, Clay himself supposedly claims to be a Christian. Well, he can say that all he wants, but he is a reprobate. Wouldn't be the first one I met who tries to say they are saved, either.
No comments on this post. I don't care what all you fag-loving liberals think, I wish you would stop reading my blog anyway.
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