Angel #fundie
"And actually there are four forces. Gravitational, the strong nuclear force, the week nuclear force and electromagnetism. These forces account for everything seem in the universe. The rest is make-believe."
***Angel says: No argument on the physical forces, but you have not equated the force of the Godhead, using Einsteinian theory, E = mc^2. Below is my theory.
The Trinity
(Three separate or interchangeable entities under one Godhead)
where E = Energy (God the Father)
m = mass (Jesus Christ, the Son)
c = speed of light (Holy Spirit, the Mother)
and with movement E = mc^2 + K
K = Jesus Christ (the resurrected, Holy Ghost)
Therefore, the Godhead or Trinity, in actuality is a Tetragrammaton.
YHWH or Tetragrammaton
Y = Yahweh (God the Father)
H = Yahoshua -Jesus Christ (Son)
W = Holy Spirit (the Mother
H = Jesus Christ (Holy Ghost).
YAH (Yahweh) = YAH (Yahoshua)
Therefore, as Jesus of the New Testament, fulfilled the Old Testament, He aslo fulfilled the Tetragrammaton. :)