[Topic Question: If the great flood is why we have no dinosaurs today, why didn't God tell Noah why not to take them on the ark? Did God have something against them? If they did get on the ark, and then went extnct later, how did they all fit?]
The flood killed some of the dinosaurs but not all. They think that there are some still today. In Job, there's some dinosaurs mentioned. I think it's Job 41 verse one, it's called leviathen. They weren't totally wiped off the face of the earth though.
It's called the survival of the fittest. Think of it as God's population control. If we had dino's today, it would be like Godzilla.
The leviathan is mentioned several times, but it's described twice, once in Job (Job 41, like Tiffany09 says) and once in Isaiah. The description in Isaiah doesn't go beyond "big sea creature", but the description in Job seems like a nile crocodile given a mythical coating.
(http://bibleresources.bible.com/passagesearchresults.php?passage1=Job+41&version=31 )
Either way, its always referred to as a single creature and as aquatic so it's not much use for an argument on dinosaurs.
Ah, point of order, comrades. 'Survival of the fittest' was Thomas Huxley's phrase, not Darwin's.
And no, dinosaurs were nothing like Gojira.
"They weren't totally wiped off the face of the earth though.
It's called the survival of the fittest. Think of it as God's population control. If we had dino's today, it would be like Godzilla."
Holy crap! So you're saying dinosaurs that could breathe underwater like Godzilla can, survived the Great Flood.?
You're fucking dangerous!
Conclusion, are there Dinos, yes or no?, is there survival of the fittest, yes or no?. If there are dinos today, please, evidence and prove that the leviathan existed and it´s actually a dinosaur.
Well, Tiff, 2 things: Who are "they," and isn't "survival of the fittest" an anti-Christian, God-denying Darwinian concept...?
Hey, give the girl some credit. She at least has the concept "survival of the fittest" as valid, which is a start. Now she just needs to start getting some actual facts to go with it -- and the sooner Randy bans her for her Darwinian "blasphemy," the sooner she can start connecting with the rest of reality.
~David D.G.
Read on in the thread
"Ken Ham, a brilliant christian scientist, has evidence of dino's in Ireland or Scottland(something like that)...Lockness. Refered to as the Lockness monster. It's fascinating, I think I'll do a research paper on it."
Tiffany, you need to be bitchslapped.
Currently, over 1,300+ species of
non-bird dinosaurs are known from the
Mesozoic era.They ranged from about 1 foot and half a pound in weight to a sauropod just recently re-reviewed that was 200 feet long and weighted 150 tons.Most dinosaurs were about 20 feet long and 500 pounds in weight.
If you accept that dinosaurs did kick the bucket 65 milion years ago, you still have some problems with your Noah's Ark, since it is roughly estimated to have been made up as a tale around 4,000 to 5,000 years ago.Like I've said before, at that time, there existed 6 species of hippos, a revised estimate of 10 to 11 species of elephants, and 6 species of rhinos.11 of those mammal species were between 2 and 10 tons in weight.The rest were island or forest dwarves between 500 pounds and 2 tons, not exactly light-weights.Factor that in with all the other species from that time, extinct and still extant, and Noah's Ark sounds rather impossible.
Survival of the fittest?? Uh oh, you're going to hell for that.
Actually if we had dino's(sic) today, it would be like a bird. Oh wait...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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