If you really want to get into 'core teachings', then Christian 'core teachings', going by the Bible, include things like destroying entire towns if a single person in it is not a Christian, stoning gay people to death, killing sons and daughters for being mouthy to their parents, killing people for not listening to their pastors, and various other things that people in their right mind would find ludicrously barbaric. This is why the Ku Klux Klan calls itself a Christian organization and uses a burning cross the way it does - if you read the Bible (or certain parts, at least), the actions of the KKK can be justified in it. Of course, most Christians do not actually advocate enforcing these things, just because they are in the Bible - in much the same way that most Muslims quietly forget the more bloodthirsty bits of the Quran exist.
So your argument here is that if you get cancer then you should just not care anymore if you get infected with hepatitis or HIV and should just be as reckless as possible with your health cause what the heck... or... something. Sorry, I don't have the worldview you do and it's a very nihilistic one that won't get you very far in life.
Let's be clear I don't even agree with your premise, but it doesn't matter. It makes no rational sense whatsoever to claim and recognize that you have a class of citizens that hate their own country... and then proceed to lay the ground work for the creation of yet ANOTHER class of citizens that hate the country even more and would either wipe it off the map if they could or would enslave everyone.
And unless you're not aware of the numbers, the Earth population is 7 billion. The US population only 300 million with let's face it, not a lot of room left really. Most of the 6.7 billion people will never get into the US as permanent residents and will never become citizens, the spots are limited unless you want to live in a very crowded country. So it makes sense that the US would want to only allow in the very best it can find, people that can be reasonably trusted to embrace the American way of life and not to join a 5th column against it. The 7 countries that Trump singled to pose a significant risk, that's why he did what he did. He should add more really.
Bringing in large groups of people from countries the least similar to the United States would be like having 500 candidates for 1 job position and taking your pick out of the bottom 10 candidates because... reasons... very stupid way of doing things and Trump was right, we have very stupid people in power.
And the point in saying Trump is helping the groups like al Qaeda and Daesh is that he makes recruiting easier for them.
Why? Where is the evidence that this is in any way a significant recruitment tool apart from a psychological warfare propaganda message on social media by ISIS? So basically, you're falling for their war propaganda. No matter who is in power, they will overstate their accomplishments in order to first boost their own people's morale while demoralizing you.
It doesn't matter what the US does, they always find excuses to recruit people or just make shit up, but the main one is simply that they can make a credible case their Islam is authentic by pointing to Quran and hadiths and by pointing out to young Muslims that jihad is the only guarantee of paradise according to the theology. The solution is not appeasement or lying, it's an honest reform of the Islamic doctrine and if that can't be done, then apostasy should be encouraged among Muslim populations.
And why does it matter if they gain 2-3 more recruits as long as they can't get into the US in the first place? Besides have you factored in how many Muslims would leave Islam if the president speaks honestly about how bad it is? Seriously what's so hard, if you want to become an American that badly just leave Islam, renounce it, become an atheist or Christian and they'll let you in as a persecuted religious minority under this very order. Don't act like allegiance to Islam is not a choice, people can leave. There is more reason to believe that honest criticism of Islam will create more apostates than it will create more terrorists. There are no Christian terrorists created as a result of Dawkins' books and those books are VERY critical of Christianity specifically, but there are plenty of Christian apostates created as a result.
You know what makes it easier to recruit? Having a large group of people susceptible to their ideology inside your country. It is an immense recruitment tool. By contrast, it's almost impossible for ISIS to gain a foothold in say... Japan. There are almost no Muslims in Japan and they haven't take in large groups of refugees from the Middle East either. Japan could antagonize ISIS or Islam all they want, they will almost certainly never be able to carry out a successful attack on Japanese soil.
Same with many countries in eastern Europe. Way lower percentage of the population is Muslim compared to western Europe. Much safer in this regard.
How about Israel which put a wall up along their border and terrorist attacks dropped by 90% during the intifada?
Isolation works.
Have you factored in how many Muslims would join ISIS specifically because they see the US as morally weak and cowardly because of its hesitation to even label Islamic terrorism as Islamic?
If a person joins because Trump and his followers it reflects poorly on their decision making as well as poorly on Trump and his followers.
No it doesn't. People are responsible for their own actions. They aren't responsible for supposedly provoking others, especially when that's not even the intention.
This is because their attitudes and actions are driving people who normally wouldn't join right into the arms of the terrorists. Also Bush's invasion of Iraq destabilized the region and gave rise to al Qaeda and Daesh which were remnants of Mujahadeen.
ISIS rose to power around 2014, by that time Bush was long out of office. He did plenty wrong, but Obama had more than enough time to fix his mistakes.
For example, he shouldn't have tried to get Assad overthrown and he shouldn't have withdrawn all troops from Iraq until it was secured enough. We still have troops in South Korea by comparison. The peace is kept.